
I would love some feedback, thoughts, etc on this dream:

I am in an outdoor setting sitting at a conference table with "members of the board" or a planning committee. I am giving a presentation and we are discussing courses of action or direction. The meeting adjourns but there is a man left just chatting with me. A raven-bat looking thing flies into the scene low over the table and plucks off the far end of the table, my cell phone, which I had propped on its side and was using to show some sort of graphic as part of my presentation. The raven bat flies to my left shoulder, alights upon me and drops the phone in my lap. I have a very close up view of its face - and I realize the animal has been shot - there is a chunk of beak missing along with a grave wound in its skull and lots of feathers in blood-matted disarray. It peers at me with one black eye.

I gather up the raven-bat and intend to take care of its injury and I thank it for retreiving my phone, which I took in the dream to be a kind gesture. The remaining man says: "you should put it back in nature." I look around, and walk around the lightly forested area looking for spots to release the animal but there are foxes all around and I didn't want to abandon the bird-bat to die by fox. So I continue on my way with it.

I end up in some sort of inside/outside transitional space like a large run down aviary that had been abandoned, and trashed. I sit on some steps leading down into the expanse and I notice the raven-bat's face was healed and it now looked fully bat-like and was bigger. At this point I'm treating it like a child and looking for good for it. I find a highchair and place the bat in it intending to feed it. My son is there. In the dream my son is about 12. Now I notice a swarm of green lacewing type bugs all over everything, and some have landed on me.

End of dream.