Okay, I'll share my conclusions shortly.

I am 100% certain now that we, as citizens of the Earth, are not told everything about WHY we are here. In fact, we are told nothing - nothing at all. Even more, we are deluded.

Why the reincarnational "wheel" (let's use in the XXIth century other terms, if possible ) do exist, actually?

Why do the Earth as a project exist?

Why people are biological-informational-technological instruments (physical bodies), which... strongly affect emotions, thoughts and feelings? I.e. why our physical bodies (a designed framework based on the DNA program) are in control of our thoughts, e.g. when you have strong pain, your thoughts are imprisoned by your physical body, so that you cannot think freely?

The essential question is: Why physical bodies were designed in this way?

All of these facts, plus many experiences, plus many evidences, suggest that the Earth is a sort of prison, unlike Hindu or Buddhist religions suggest, that we are sort of unaware scientific experimental rats put into a maze and observed by the entities who prefer to not show themselves to us. However they do prefer to have a constant influence over people, they manage the experiment, and frequently interact with humanity. In particular, they want us to think of them in a religious or esoteric way: that "they" are sort of gods or something like that, ruling the matrix; they want us to treat them as sort of authority. They have the astral-energetic-mental infrastructure which helps them in their tasks in manipulating this human's-Earth experiment (as I wrote before elsewhere, manipulating human minds in particular). All of these information come from my conclusions from my direct experiences, not from a books or philosophies, ancient or modern.