Testing the NEW material here. Experimenting moving the awareness
around within the body. It's like a magnifying glass scanning the areas
and amplifying a sensation in a certain area focused on. Listening to
Inner Dance part 1 by DR. Jeffrey D. Thompson while doing this.
Moving the awareness and listening to calm music at the same time.

But moving the awareness in the mouth in trying to re-create a
sensation based on memory is not that successful. Sometimes
yes and no.

What I manage to do is.. if thinking of chewing on a lemon and licking
on a 9V battery at the same time, then I get this "battery taste tickling"
in the mouth and a lot of spit is produced. Having a thought that either
the sub conscious mind or the unconscious mind doesn't know any
difference from an actual experience and imaginative experience.

To some level it will respond the same to both (Pavlov's dog).

Visualizing to me is making something respond to mental abstract
images in delivering this energy flow sensation. Or visualizing is
creating it. Not quite sure where any sensation comes from or what
makes it anyways.

Another thing noticed. When "dropping" the awareness it seems to
automatic move back to or seeking to the eyes again.

Trying these different things:

1. Sweeping or scanning the body in a streamline from the eyes,
down one leg and up again then down the other.

2. "Jumping" with the awareness. Randomly jumping around to spots
on the body, not in stream. For example; from arm, to leg, to neck,
to leg, to mouth, to ear and so....

3. "Splitting" the awareness. Trying to be aware of two spots at the
same time. Like being aware of one spot on the leg and one spot
on the ear. But this works more as rapidly moving awareness
forward and back.

Curious if focused attention and awareness is the same?

Creating that energy ball is the problem. So any tip are welcome.

Side effect was falling asleep and waking up to chakra activity in the
chest and stomach. These pulsing beats like a train moving on tracks
and click click click...