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Thread: meeting people in lucid dreams

  1. #1

    meeting people in lucid dreams

    I had a dream where I was in a room. There were people all around, anonymous dream characters. Then someone else appeared and started to walk up to me. He was different from the others in that he was almost see-through-ish and I felt like he was really there. I recognized him though I’ve never seen him before. I said’ “What are you doing in my dream?” Then instantly I was jarred awake.

    My question is, to meet someone in a lucid dream do they have to be out of body as well? Could they have been meditating, consciously practicing OBE, or sleeping to end up in my lucid dream? I guess my mind could have created him but, like I said, he was very different then the other people in the dream. I really don't think I put him there.

    Very curious. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Hello, Mishell.

    I had a dream a few weeks ago where I felt for the first time that a person part of it was not part of me or my subconscious. I had a pretty good idea who that person were, and he was trying to influence me, or at least get my attention and convince me. Since I had an argument with that person at that time, that was not that farfetched. Someone I knew over the internet.

    But I could not say whether he was asleep and sent me this subconsciously or awake and in meditation.

    I know at least of another case of "dream invasion" by another person with a friend of mine.


  3. #3
    Hello Oliver,

    What do you mean by "dream invasion"?

    And I guess the real question I have about my dream is, Starting with the understanding that this person was not put in the dream by me, does it matter what state of awareness he was in? I mean, could he have been reading a book or grocery shopping and a part of himself came into my dream? (That probably does not make sense either. I'm not explaining myself very well.)

  4. #4
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    Hello, Mishell.

    I mean that in especially in the later case the person was "invading" the dream - changing the scenery, making contact.

    In my case the person in my dream may have influenced the dream setting as well, it was quite unusual for me as well.

    I would not classify either of the encounters as friendly, though they were pretending to be friendly. In the case of my friend it also seemed to be done on purpose.

    Hard to say which state of mind they were in - I was not lucid enough to ask (am no lucid dreamer yet) and my friend actually asked some questions but not that one.


  5. #5
    Hello again Oliver,

    I have had the experience once of calling a person into a dream. We appeared in my dream as children and played on a swingset and then flew around. That was a fun dream. But I knew what I was doing then, I mean I knew I was doing it then.

    This time it felt more like this person caught me dreaming and decided to make an appearence. He didn't influence the dream in any way other than just showing up, and he didn't seem to have the intent of manipulating me or the situation at all.

    It was just really strange. I am interested in seeing if it happens again at some piont.

  6. #6
    Rain, iF Guest
    Was it someone you know? it is possible that this happened by accident. That's happened to me before. My mom was in one of my dreams, and we both described the same things the next morning. It is possible that this was just a dream character though. They are often very realistic beings, but they are still in your head. At the same time, I wouldn't throw away the possibility that it was someone projecting into your dreams. It may have been an accident too. Just be careful with that sort of thing.

  7. #7
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    Mishell, I understand what you're talking about. With me, a couple of people simply walked through together and were quite different. They seemed in slow motion and without sound (like my past life dream experiences, now I think of it) but they were aware in a way dream characters are not.

    I've also seen a friend in a dream and knew he was totally unaware and I've shared dream experiences with others who recalled the same particulars.

    It is my feeling that the entering of another's dream can happen deliberately and without intention. I also think it happens even if a person is not asleep. I say this because I know Bruce Moen can make contact in focus 25 and 27 with living people as well as with deceased people and he learnt to call on family members in helping with retrievals of trapped ghosts. It appears these living family members help with the retrievals without their conscious awareness and without the requirement they be in trance.

    As for real people who have passed on entering your dreams, I know quite certainly that this occurs. They don't even have to be people you've met.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #8
    Rain, iF said
    Was it someone you know? it is possible that this happened by accident
    At the time, I got the sense that it was someone I sort-of knew. And I do not think he realized he did it.

    My original question was as to whether this person did this on purpose. I asked the question instead of trusting what felt right to me.

    Beekeeper said
    With me, a couple of people simply walked through together and were quite different. They seemed in slow motion and without sound (like my past life dream experiences, now I think of it) but they were aware in a way dream characters are not.
    Before I came to this sight I knew nothing about AP. I have since figured out a lot, and can see distinct differences between dream characters and real people out of body. I has also helped a lot that I have a guide who is very good at communicating with me when I have questions relating to all the facinating things I am learning.

    Beekeeper said
    It is my feeling that the entering of another's dream can happen deliberately and without intention. I also think it happens even if a person is not asleep.
    This is, in fact, one of the things communicated to me. Our subconscious can make the decision to do this while we are not aware of it.

    Thank you all for your feedback.

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