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Thread: Fire the Grid! Look Now, Don't Wait!

  1. #21
    blacktiger057 Guest
    I looked at your link...

    wow....I know meditating and sending your love to the earth may sound really satanistic and dark, but really!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    At the bottom of the garden
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    Wow. It's all just a gigantic, complicated, hard-to-follow conspiracy, then, is it?
    May the light surround you, may you be blessed. May the light surround us, may we be blessed. May love and light surround us all, and may we all be healed and blessed. And so it is, and so it shall be, now and ever after.

  3. #23
    blacktiger057 Guest

    The Twilight before a new Dawn

    Dear Friends,

    We are on the brink of a new mindset, a world energy movement that will propel us into a bright and boundless future. Now is the time when we will consciously choose the direction we wish to take as we move into this monumental event and close the first chapter of Fire the Grid. I say the first chapter as I have new information which has been coming since March 2007, a second project in which we can apply our freshly open hearts and minds to rebuilding the earth in the manner which is befitting of the Divine race of humans which we truly are.

    This second phase of Fire the Grid is called Project Cause. The details are still assembling. The same way I received the information about Fire the Grid I am receiving the instructions of how to make the second part of this incredible event realistic and achievable.

    We have been working on the Fire the Grid project for over two years now and we have followed the Light Beings' instructions and done all we have done for free. We have millions of people in over 90 countries participating in our world meditation to lift our personal vibrational fields and assist our earth, our home to enter a state of healing. This was and is truly a project of Love. The vision to see the world come together in love for one hour is about to happen. This is wondrous in itself. The mere fact that millions of people will unite for this one hour has made Fire the Grid astounding even before we even perform our intent. Imagine what we can do when many more millions of us come together to make the second part of Fire the Grid our truth. If three people and no budget can make this incredible world event happen, I see Project Cause raising the bar even higher. We will become NEW WORLD PARTICIPANTS as we boldly declare that we desire a new and better world in which to live and raise our children.

    I want to take this opportunity to announce to everyone that there is indeed more to come. I am working diligently to make Project Cause a reality and share the exciting news with everyone. A bit of time is required to make this new project take form so I can present it in a manner that shows us all how possible it is to create that which we so desire: a world of abundance for all, sharing and caring for each other and for our world resources, a world full of peace and prosperity for every living being on the planet. Fire the Grid is about raising our vibration and keeping us in the frequency of Love. With Project Cause we will now take that loving vibration and apply it tangibly to the world to make all our visions of the earth come true.

    I will use the Fire the Grid site as a launching point to introduce Project Cause in a few short weeks, by early September if all goes according to plan. I am also in the process of writing a book about my life experience and I will post information about this as it comes on my own personal website which is being built over the summer. I have several books coming that may be of interest to people and am eager to share them with each of you as they are born.

    I invite you to check back at this site towards the end of the summer so you can discover what Project Cause is all about and how you and your family can get involved. There are many diverse and exciting ideas we will be able to apply to make our world evolve into what it was meant to be. I am excited knowing that there is still more to come and I look forward to sharing all I have.

    I would also like to share my personal joy at seeing so many wonderful people sharing their love with the world. When I started Fire the Grid I remember saying “I just don’t know how all this will work, but here goes...!” The same wonder resides in my thoughts about Project Cause but the sharing I have experienced from the entire world has renewed my faith that together we are a powerful entity, as ONE we can do and create anything. Thank you all so much for coming together and making this vision our reality.

    I also encourage you to "register" your voice after you Fire the Grid by sharing both your greatest joy and your own experience on July 17 at 11:11 GMT. You can do this as an individual or as a group, and will be the beginning stages of a new worldwide online community of like-minded, high vibratory individuals. The coming days and months will be exciting times indeed and this community will blaze the trail for our children's future.

    I leave you with a quote from Edgar Cayce regarding rebuilding the world, he said, “Peace in the world must begin first within the heart and purpose and mind of the individual…[for] as individuals change themselves and their interactions with one another, eventually the world cannot help but follow.” I say that Fire the Grid is a show of hands of how many like-minded individuals really do desire this change. Together, as a critical mass, we are about to birth a brand new humanity.

    My deepest respect and Love to all,

    Shelley Yates

    << Click to enlarge

    Chicago Tribune letter to Oprah Winfrey

    Some time ago I received guidance to contact Oprah Winfrey, a well known talk show host in the United States of America. I was told that Ms. Winfrey was the single most influential person amongst the fence sitters, and was also told how to reach her. The instructions were simple: take out a full page ad in the Chicago Tribune, a major newspaper in the US. I was shown what the ad looked like and what to include. The resources needed to place the full page ad were manifested in only 24 hours and we were secheduled for publication on Wednesday May 9, 2007.

    Upon seeing our ad, The Tribune told us that they would not run our letter under any circumstances, no matter what we offered to pay for it, and that they did not feel their readers would be interested in reading our message in their newspaper.

    We have decided to place the letter here on our own site (click on image below) so that all may access it and send the intention that Oprah will indeed find it here. Please read it, all whiile manifesting your intention to reach as many people as possible in these our last days before we fire the earth grid.

    My deepest Love to you all and may we forge bravely into this incredible journey together, one tribe living in peace on our earth.

    << Click to enlarge


    LIGHT & LOVE - Introducing a gift from the stars

    Some time ago in meditation I was blessed with an amazing message from beyond. These magnificent Beings have shared with me a method of raising your personal vibrational field that is wonderfully easy, just by listening to an album of music. I was instructed by these Beings to compile a selection of Bradfield music; which had held information for me at other times. This collection of music came from five different CD’s which Bradfield had previously released. Each of them has held instructions for throughout my journey. The gift for all other humans is the residual tones from the embedded messages will resonate within the listening ear of each human that has the opportunity to hear the music.

    This compilation came to me over a period of three or four weeks. I would be in meditation or sleeping and I would hear music as if it was playing on the stereo. The music was a selection from a Bradfield album, which I already knew held universal tones of Love. These selections came to me and I was given a number to attach to the song so I would know where to fit the song in the compilation. As I compiled the music, I wondered what the end goal could possibly be. The end goal was better than I could of ever hoped for. Embedded in the tonal frequency were the instructions for the second part of the Fire the Grid project. This new information is to become the second movement. Once we have energized enough humans we will then be able to attend to the daunting task of rebuilding our world with the intention of peace and prosperity for all human beings.

    I am most excited to introduce to you this compilation, which Bradfield has humbly compiled to facilitate the request of these Light Beings. Bradfield has openly completed each request I have made of him without any monetary compensation of any kind. It is his loving heart that has guided him to perform many requests that others would never have dreamed of following. Imagine a commercial artist giving his time, energy and his music to a project for free. This has been Bradfield’s way since I first met him in the Spring of 2005. His faith in me, this project and these beautiful Light Beings have reassured me of the potential of humanity to share and give from the heart without expected compensation. Bradfield’s generosities in following these instructions have demonstrated to me the potential for all humanity. The name of this wonderful collection of uplifting music is “Light & Love.” To make Bradfield’s offer even more spectacular he has dedicated this album to the fulfillment of the Fire the Grid initiative and is donating a sizable portion of each sale to the project to ensure I am able to reach as many people as are ready to hear my story and mission.

    I have spent countless hours in meditation listening to this new CD, and the result has been quite incredible. The tonal frequency of love is evident however what is not quite evident is the hidden messages embedded in that tonal mastery. These beings have sent us, the humans of this earth, a gift from the cosmos. They have infused the music with a frequency, which will leave you in an elevated state of bliss. The energy of this music is rich with star energy and lifts the listener into the frequency of giving, sharing and co-creation. In short this meditation will facilitate the lifting of your personal energy field every time you listen to it. With each listening you build upon a raising vibration that leaves you feeling energized yet tranquil and fills the listened with hope and optimism for the new time to come

    It is times like this I wish I could have earthly wealth, as I would provide this masterpiece from the stars to all without cost. Alas that is not my destiny at this time and I am only in a position of encouraging you to hear this music for yourself. This music is available from APSIS Music and Bradfield is donating money from each sale to allow me to travel throughout Canada and the United States. I have followed the Light Beings' instructions to date without ever asking for money from anyone. I am most grateful to Bradfield for making this project viable and wish to thank him publicly at this time. I support his work whole-heartedly and continue to support and encourage people to hear and resonate with this soul moving music he has created.

    At Bradfield's request, I wrote the texts and insights to accompany “Light & Love” so I could share with you all the experiences I had while listening to this music. The writing comes from my heart and I am most hopeful that many people, even those that have never meditated before will feel many of the wonderful feelings I did when listening to the music. The human listens with its ears while the Soul listens with its ethereal body. Both the human and the Soul will be lifted to splendid heights after just one listening. If you repeat the experience it will build wonderful earthly harmony and a new awareness that will allow you a deeper understanding of the coming times and what it means for all humanity.

    I will be playing this music during my event in Nova Scotia on July 17. The pacing of the selections allows you some time to organize your thoughts for the first few minutes before the prayer of intention, which is “Be Still Thy Soul.” You are then ushered into a contemplative meditation for an hour in which you can meditate of simply listen with intent and gratitude. The music then finishes with a brand new song, the title song “Light & Love”, a piece sung by Anael to unite us as one race with unlimited potential for all.

    I welcome your comments on this wonderful work and look forward to sharing it with the world.

    << Click to enlarge

    Much Love and Light of Grace,



    Four Ways to Fire our Earth Grid

    I have been travelling and speaking for about two weeks now and I have just realized that I have not shared a valuable piece of information with all those that wish to fire the grid with us. That information contains the ways in which we can actually fire the grid. In the beginning I was only told of the two ways to fire the earth grid. They were to meditate or pray. I have additional information to share with the world about how we all can all participate in our own way. Each human is to participate in his or her own way with acceptance for where each of us lives on our consciousness journey.

    I asked the question; “what do the fence sitters do, those that have lived their life without prayer or meditation?” I was given an answer and I will explain it here. First they informed me that it holds a negative vibration to do things out of guilt or shame. That is to say if you use any method to connect with the grid and it comes from old programming of the guilt and shame, the idea that you must do something or something bad will happen to you, then this reason will actually cancel the intention you are making. So please be sure to use the method that resonates with your own truth. If you are new to the notion of manifesting than use any of the four methods but ensure it holds positive intention for you.

    The first and second way to fire your own personal field and therefore fire your personal hexagon on the earth grid is to meditate or pray. These are traditional methods which have been used for eons to connect with source. The purpose of prayer and meditation is to quiet your busy mind so you may hear from the universe clearly. Ancient scholars have written about the power of prayer since Jesus’ time. Meditation is used by millions of people throughout the world to find the connection to source. I was told that when we fire the grid we will elevate our truth and connection as if we had been meditating for ten years. It will lift our fields and maintain a high frequency permanently as we move forward toward the changes that are coming. I suggest you use the method that best brings you peace and joy. I also suggest that you incorporate music, as listening to music which holds the tones of love will immediately facilitate lifting your field. The music that holds the tones of love may be many types of music. Mozart and Beethoven both hold these tones. There are many other composers which have these creative tones infused in the tonal energy of the music. I highly suggest using Bradfield’s music as it defiantly holds many tones and frequencies, which have assisted me with raising my own vibrational field over these past two years. There is 30 minutes of Bradfield music available on our site.

    You will recognize the tones I speak of as the music will leave you vibrant, alive and full of potential. This type of music is everywhere however as with every piece of this project please use only that which resonates within your inner being. The music you seek will be the music that brings you a feeling of being alive and happy. Remember it is not necessarily the sounds that your ears hear but the feelings the music evokes, while you are listening to it and also they make you feel after listening to it. There are many wonderful types of music but I ask you to dig deeply when choosing your music to remember if the lyrics of the music you choose to listen to are full of hatred and anger then the likelihood of this type of music lifting your heart to a love state is rather doubtful. I know in my heart that we all love a variety of music but in this instance please choose the music that will open your heart to joy and leave you feeling wonderful. You can use this music to fire your own field on a daily basis therefore the opportunity to utilize music when we fire the grid will amplify and assist the effect of the earth energy on that day.

    The third way to fire the grid is to find your joy and bliss. It may be any joy you can think of, the smile on your child’s face or licking an ice cream cone. Simply find a human experience that brings you joy then give thanks and gratitude for the experience. This process of keeping your heart light and filled with joy, it is the method that I use everyday to practice firing my own grid system and lifting my own vibrational field. That is the energy that lives in and around my physical body. I also add that this is the method I used to beat my depression. It is a powerful tool to overcome negative thoughts. In order to fire the earth grid you need to find that state within your own personal being which resonates that life is wonderful then give thanks for that wonder. Spend the hour doing that which brings your great pleasure, whether that is listening to music or lounging in bed reading to your child. Do the thing that brings you your greatest joy. Spend this creation hour in a happy, blissful place then remember to say thank you to the Energy force that allows us this earthly time and experience. This will work to fire your own personal grid and in turn fire your piece of the earth grid on that day. It is paramount to remember that acceptance of all other ways is key. We must learn to unite ourselves by our similarities and not divide by that which makes us different. A rose by any other name is just as sweet. So no matter where someone’s mindset or ritual lays we all desire the same outcome. To unite the world as one race and to bring peace, prosperity and abundance to all that share this earth with us. The similarities in this event are that we understand there is an Energy Source from whence we all came. We also understand that there are rituals and traditions we individually have that we use to connect to that Source. These similarities are what bind us in this process. We do not spend any of our valuable energy debating which energy name is correct or which tradition is better. We choose to acknowledge each individual ritual as important and then in that moment we are all on the same page working toward the same goal.

    It is in the doing that we create the reality in which we live. If you do anything on that day with the intention of making a difference then the activity you choose is not of such great importance. It is the fact that you are consciously choosing to do something that is the great sharing moment. The key event during that hour is that you choose to do something, anything wonderful, find the joy of potential and then have gratitude for the experience. It is the gratitude that will fire the grid and you will consciously place your vote among millions for the direction we wish our world to move towards.

    The fourth way to fire your grid is not the best way but an option for those who must use it. Simply write a note to your inner being, no matter what name you give that inner being, it could be soul or God-force or merely my inner self. These Light Beings have acknowledged that they understand our human limitations and therefore they have spoken at great length to make me understand the potential of creation through intention. They have suggested for your guidance and counsel that you write your inner being a letter giving that inner piece of yourself permission to connect with the grid on your behalf on July 17 at 11:11 GMT. On this earthly plane we continue to have free will and therefore we must give our inner being permission to connect on our behalf. State the things that bring you joy and bliss then give thanks for those moments. Clearly state your intention to manifest the world we desire then sign your note to leave your personal energy with your intention. Then go to bed or work or what ever task you must do and be assured that your soul will register your vote by firing your inner system and uniting it will the many, many people who will be joining us on that day. As I said earlier in this paragraph it is not the best way because doing things with consciousness is the best way but it is better than not being able to participate.

    I mentioned that the letter would indeed send your vote. That is a way I have described what we are doing. It is indeed a vote of sorts. As we move into the new vibrational time we are defining what kind of world we desire to be our final outcome in 2012. The energy we are transmitting at the time of this great energy transition will define the new time to come. What kind of humanity and earth do we want to present to the universe. Who do we consciously intend to be for the new time? This will be the first time in our human evolution where we will consciously choose our path. So no matter what method you choose to use or who you choose to sit with; the ultimate defining moment for each of us during this process is, are we holding love and optimism in our hearts as this cosmic event facilitates our vibrational lift.

    In order to manifest the world we so desire we must live within the energy field of joy and gratitude even when the human journey is difficult. Once we have enough humans in the frequency of love, joy and gratitude then we will begin the exciting journey of rebuilding our earth the way it was intended to be. I have been telling people if we each take care of the “I” then the “we” necessary for the earth changes will certainly follow. The indigos and crystal children are fast approaching the age where they will step forward and create where we leave off. Let’s make sure they have great energy to work with.

    Much Love and Light of Grace,



    Billboards for the Cause

    We have received many inquiries and suggestions over the past few months on how to increase awareness of this important event. Some have asked if they might make a donation, and we thank each of you profoundly for your wonderful offers of assistance. But it is important to reiterate that Fire the Grid is neither an organization nor a foundation. It is an event. It is an ever growing worldwide network of like minded people defining their intentions to the universe, and who desire positive change for our planet.

    A recurring theme that does correspond naturally to our mission is the idea of offering t-shirts & postcards/button/stickers etc. that enable everyone to become "Billboards for the Cause." After receiving overwhelmingly positive responses from the current Team Leaders, we have decided to proceed and are excited to share with you that everything is now ready to go. Through online retailer CafePress, who will handle manufacturing, inventory control, shipping and payment processing, we are able to offer a small range of promotional items with a couple of distinctive designs. By purchasing an item such as a t-shirt, you will contribute to "spreading the word" of this event, spark new interest and also help to support the running and on-going maintenance of the Fire the Grid website.

    << Click to visit FTG at CafePress


    An open letter from Shelley

    Hello to all the precious humans and supporters of this grid project.

    It has been an incredible journey since I spoke on the George Noory show in mid Dec. '05. For those who do not know George Noory, he hosts a radio talk show with over 15 millions listeners. Many things have happened since that time including Doreen Virtue of the Angel book fame who has joined us by including an invitation to read and join in Firing the Grid on her monthly newsletter. This amounts to many other tens of thousands that have been connected to the site and hopefully to the project when the time arrives.

    I am writing this letter today to fulfill a piece of this whole dream. I am looking for ambassadors for the grid project, individuals who wish to be involved in a more personal way. I am calling it the Grid Connection Team. I am looking for team leaders in every corner of the planet who wish to represent the project in their area of the earth and hopefully through their efforts we will have strong energy connections throughout this earth when the time comes to fire the earth grid.

    I have been shown that there is tremendous energy that is available when people team together for a purpose. If these team leaders could organize larger groups on the correct day at the correct time we would be assured of a strong and reliable source in that country. It doesn’t take the whole planet to make the difference just enough of us who truly desire and believe in the change we can create. The job of team leader would be to raise the consciousness of the people in your region. This could be done in many ways. I would be hopeful that we. as a team could connect regularly to discuss ideas each of you have for getting more people involved. This is a work in progress so I am sure there are many ideas we could come up with and incorporate as time goes by. I follow the instructions as they are given to me. This idea is the newest and I think it is fabulous.

    I would dearly love to come to each and every country to tell you personally of all I have experienced. Perhaps this will come to pass and I will be able to join these team leaders in their own countries and meet with the people who wish to hear what I have to say first hand. This of course will be the will of our almighty Creator, as a project of this nature would take much money to implement. I do however believe we can create that which we desire and personally I desire that we reach as many people on this earth as humanly or in our case Divinely possible.

    If you are interested in being a team leader in your area please let me know and please remember to put your city and country so that I can begin a list to see who we have and who we must work on. I can then distribute the list to other team leaders so you as an individual will have support and actually see and experience how many of us there are and how widely this project has reached. It is truly empowering to see the many countries represented when people email me. I would like to share that feeling with others. I am of the belief that we can really make this happen. All corners of this planet sitting in harmonious energy to intentionally heal our planet and change our world.

    With my deepest respect and love,
    Does anyone think that this could eventually lead to the predicted awakening in 2012?

  4. #24
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    Every little bit helps, is how I see it.
    Now that we have participated in sending the earth love, we can do as wstein said and do something nice for someone else. Pay it forward, make the love resonate. And ignore fearmongering.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #25
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    Sorry, guys, but I cannot understand why a well-written counterstatement sets you up so much.

    It is a very valid question where you send your energy to. What makes you even think Earth needs your energy?

    If you want to believe that is okay. I prefer to know instead of believing if that is possible, though.

    I especially find this advice worthwhile:

    we each have our own guide and angel, if you are talking to spirit those two beings and your own higher self is who you should be talking to. No one else should have contact without the permission of your life guide.
    (by Engtovo Bhodsvatan at

    If you don't question things, the answers you may come up with may not be worth knowing.


  6. #26
    star Guest
    Theory is easy to make up. Especially by people who really don't know much about energy and make blanket statements.

    Blacktiger, I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope you get to do this sort of thing more often.

  7. #27
    Palehorse Redivivus Guest
    Okay, so I did the FTG thing. I didn't have the easiest time focusing for a while (not unusual lately) but when I did... woo. At one point I reached out for this grid with my awareness, and was flooded by some pretty strong and warm feelings of love and general contentment. Another time, it was in some sense like I connected with the mass of everyone doing this meditation, and the sensation built until it got almost overwhelming, though not in a bad way... couldn't hold it for very long though. And then I started getting rained on, so I figured my hippie-quota had been met for the day and took my soggy arse back inside.

    So, I'd say there was definitely something to this, and my impression is very positive.

    Anyone else have any experiences to report?

  8. #28
    blacktiger057 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo

    It is a very valid question where you send your energy to. What makes you even think Earth needs your energy?

    The energy goes into the earth and charges up its 'grid.' Look at the Earth. We are slowly but surely destroying it in many ways, which I am sure you are aware of. These energy waves of love and compassion not only help the earth but will raise our consciousness levels, maybe bringing about the 2012 awakening.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The argument with FTG isn't so much about aliens, conspiracy, etc and it's not even about believing in x or y, but it's more about awareness...

    Awareness helps raises isn't questioning your awareness of love's about questioning your awareness the FTG; is what they say whole truth or half truth, combined with awareness is a great and powerful thing, but faith combined with non-awareness, or blind-faith, can potentially be dangerous....looking at FTG and what it has to say about love while ignoring everything is half awareness, what is need is full awareness, which meaning looking beyong their message of love - but not ignoring it....

    Just as questioning your beliefs brings awareness to it, allowing you to raise you conciousness and weeding out what doesn't work for have to question and become fully aware of FTG....Questioning is positive thing, so don't be afraid to question FTG....

    So, it's not telling you to believe or not to believe. It's not trying to change your mind. it's about helping you to become aware....

    Either way...if that many people particpate according to her videos on youtube (sounds like the amount needed for critical mass to me), than we should see something big happening and soon....

    If the spiritualist are right, than we should see a big and sudden improvement for human kind/spirituality.....

    If the conspiricist are right, than we should see a big and sudden negative event....

    Only time will tell.....

  10. #30
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    Or neither- it seems to me that every time that something gets organized with the purpose of focusing awareness, there is always the element that introduces doubt into the equation, so that the energy then gets diverted into the questioning; maybe refracted is a better analogy- so that an appreciable amount of energy is going to argue back and forth it's merits from whatever would have been focused (good or bad)- so that in itself invalidates whatever would have happened.
    It seems to me that if it was that easy to take 'love' energy and technically change it for negative purposes, just doubting that it could work is enough to make it not work, and it saves technical resources ('they', whoever they are, don't have to divert it with technology, we did all the work for them.). So, chances are that nothing will happen, because, once again, the energy has been diverted; not by the 'powers' that are evil, but the fearmongering that has gone on.
    Everyone knows what the placebo effect is but not many know why it works in the first place, but not many know what the nocebo effect is, and how we use it to spoil pretty much anything good that's new that comes up.
    That's all folks.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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