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Thread: Half awake

  1. #1

    Half awake

    I was dosing in and out of a dream this morning.
    What was interesting is that while I was dreaming I heard the doorbell ringing
    and, i then thought If I should wake up and answer it but I decided that someone else would probarbly open the door for them.( I later confirming that that doorbell had actually ranged and it wasn´t a dream sound)
    I didn´t wake up but continued to dream

    Also, In the dream I was holding a ring like in lord of the rings, when I woke up my fingers where positioned like I was holding that same ringed I saw in the dream.

    I was also quite lucid because I wondered If I could project from this dream but didn´t know how, instead I decided I should wake up cause I had sleept long enough.


  2. #2
    Sounds like you were lucid dreaming to me. I'm no expert but I think maybe if you'd tried to just get up to answer the doorbell you may have exited. I don't think there's a mystery about how to exit, you just get into the right condition then 'get up.'

    If it happens again, try just lifting yourself out of bed. See if you exit.
    Never doubt there is Truth, just doubt that you have it!

  3. #3
    Rain, iF Guest
    It's possible that he would have exited, but it's more likely that he would have just moved and come out of the whole experience. What makes me say that, is the fact that he was in a sense acting out his dream physically. That indicates to me that he was not experiencing sleep paralysis, and therefore it would have been highly unlikely for him to exit.

    I know exactly the state of mind you were in, I've had many "half-dreams" as well, where lucidity is present in the dream, but you're so close to being awake, that it doesn't really matter. Those are always odd, huh?

  4. #4
    Mahavatar_Babaji Guest
    I've had many of those 'half-awake/half-asleep' moments as well and some of them were pretty wierd. I remember dreaming that a huge gust of wind was blowing in my room and my blanket was being blown away and another time I dreamnt that I floated off my bed and onto the floor.

    I'm also having a hard time exiting my physical body. I think I astral travelled once when I was flying around my bedroom after meditating, but I'm not sure. I sometimes get the vibrations, but I can't seem to exit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    What exit techniques have you tried?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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