Quote Originally Posted by Tom
Drowsiness used to be a much bigger problem for me than it is now. I could fall asleep within a minute of sitting down to meditate and would even start to dream before hitting the floor. It was very uncomfortable to fall asleep sitting up, and all my efforts to fight it just made things worse. If you know that it is going to happen, just set an intent to practice for however long you plan to (set an alarm clock if you have to) and don't resist the drowsiness. Just watch with curiousity to see exactly how it is triggered and what sensations come along with the drowsiness. It was usually cold and tension for me. The watching the process with curiosity will help avoid both resisting the drowsiness and giving into it completely.
Dear Tom,

I think I'm going to try this, I have kind of lately while trying to phase. For me I guess, what harm can/could it do to let myself go?

-Take care,