This is what has happened to me. I had a progressive awakening of Kundalini energy that started in 2005 and continues to date.
The 1st experiences would be just as I drifted off to sleep and feeling very relaxed. My lower back would get extremely tense and sore. Then my chest would contract very strongly. I would see a flash of brilliant white light and I would see images. Not angels and fairies though. It was images of different beings –possibly images of me in various forms (young male committing suicide by jumping, young woman naked on a couch, a medusa looking at me, being strangled).
The scary part was the chest contractions – it was extremely painful and it started a fear that I was developing a heart disease.
With time passing, I would be scared to relax too much, in the event that the chest contractions and palpitations would happen.
But happen it did and more frequently too. By September 2006 I was thoroughly frightened and anxious – one night the pains and palpitations carried on for most of the night.
Other things started to happen too, I would feel intense vibrations starting in my lower back and then shooting up my body - I would feel as if I’m choking. At times I would feel as if I’m electrified. At other times my whole body would throb for hours with strong pulses – a human generator….
My whole body was in turmoil – I would be very hot one moment and freezing the next. I could also feel presences around me – spirits bring an intense cold. My ears ached for longer than a year. My body became over- sensitive - for anyone that knows meridian therapy - it hurt along the kidney, gallbladder, spleen meridians. I was bewildered, frustrated and immensely frightened and anxious most of the time. I went to numerous doctors and alternative practitioners, but no-one could shed light on what was happening to me. At times I thought a negative entity was attached to me.
Still a small voice in my head said; “It’s Kundalini, don’t worry.” Not easy to do when you feel you are being electrified….
I had to deliberately make a choice to release the many, many fears I had (all about dying in different ways) and continue to release any resurfacing fears.
To make a long story short, with months passing I have learnt to just do that – to let go of the fears, surrender and let Shakti run her course. I have managed to release the hurts causing the terrible pains, although it took many months to do. I had many days of crying and feeling extremely sorry for myself because I was in continual pain . Also frustrated because the process takes so long.
To relax and let the changes happen is not easy – I as still in awe of the power surges. I would not have guessed that it could be that strong. But these days I also feel privileged to experience it.
This is where I am now:
The energy surges come and go – it’s stronger in the afternoon and night – difficult to sleep with that kind of thing going on…I can’t switch it off though, maybe I’ll be able to do that in future. At the moment I have to take light sleeping tablets so I can get into a restful state.
The rising of Kundalini is not a once off incident, it rises and ebbs. I can feel it going up my body and either pulsing in my throat, or brow. If I feel pain, I know it’s temporary and can be released.
At times rushes of hot or cold energy is released from my body.
The Kundalini energy is blue-white in colour. As the energy rises, I can see that light building up in my heart. Those moments are very precious – I can see and feel myself filling with light.
At times I see part of auras as pale smoke – it is always moving.
The spirits seem a bit quiet now – maybe they did enough prodding to get me going?
As I seem to have an excess of raw energy, I regularly now do energy work to transfer some of that. At first my clients and I felt like we were electrified. The energy surges seemed to wash out old gunk they carried, but it was very painful for them.
The last 3 weeks I have managed to transform the energy transferred into a more compassionate, finer energy. A client recently reported also seeing that white-blue-violet light in his chest during the session – awesome!
I am working towards raising the energy higher – but on that I can only comment when it happens…