There is a need for cleansing the energy body because it builds up stale prana , toxins , negativity , dis-ease . Words , thoughts , acts of non-love pollute the energy body . Basically it is darkened by that which we do as a bully to others or as a victim from others who bully us .

This can be purged and should be cleaned daily . There are two main paths to bring energy into the body for cleansing one is crown to toes and the other is toes to crown . By deep cleansing in one direction and raising in the opposite a greater cleaner light comes to the energy body for work.

I do not agree with the terms kundalini energy & reiki or divine source energy used in this manner as in this link
but the images are correct imho and are useful to demonstrate that energy comes in through these two mainkandas

Moon Goddess light & Sun God's fire FIRE
.................Kether ,Reiki , Divine Source
...........................Alpha os aka star point ,soul star etc
.............................scalp of Goddess
.............................nose ...............Prana AIR
.......................Throne of God
..........................Omega OS aka earth point ,grounding point etc
........................... kundalini
...........WATER left foot... right foot EARTH

The problem of terminology exists in semantics only as Kundalini occurs initially at the throne but also comes to the kandas at the crown & heart so it is incorrect to label toes to crown as K energy .