I guess it depends on the individual perfectionists, and how their perfectionism is expressed. Some perfectionists are very diligent about getting things done, and doing them properly rather than being half-assed. Such a perfectionist would probably do very well.

Some perfectionists procrastinate like crazy because they are anxious over how well they will do things, and end up doing nothing rather than risk doing something that is not as good as they want. Such a perfectionist would probably not practice regularly enough to be successful.

As for Astrology, I suppose you could incorporate it into your projection practice if you so desired (planning projection attempts based around the stars, I suppose?), but I personally am quite skeptical about Astrology (and I say this as someone who practices energy work and energy healing, and who has had OBEs). I don't feel that Astrological descriptions of my personality are any more accurate than any other random selection of common personality traits, and attempts to validate Astrology through research (which, if it is valid, should be ridiculously easy) have failed miserably. Paying attention to which astrological signs are doing what and trying to plan my already-stressful life around them seems like a tragic waste of time and energy. Just my opinion, though.

I do believe, however, in elemental energies, and that different elements can be associated with different personality traits. Thus, someone who is particularly unbalanced in some way might improve his condition by balancing elemental energies within himself. Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics is a good resource if you are interested in using the elements in that way.