It's interesting about the dream recall. I've done some thinking on the subject. When doing the energy work the dream recall is poor. When I stop the energy work I remember a lot in great detail. Perhaps it is related to the energetic developement of my body and I suppose that a great part of energy is directed in this way and it's not much left for the dream recall. Just a supposition, have no ideea. I have to mention that I am listening also to meditation music everyday and I am reading all the books I can put may hand on them that are connected to OBE, Consciousness, personal improvement and so on.

About my emotional reactions, hmmmmmm.... A big improvement in my life took place. In what way? In my attitude towards life itself. I am happier, I enjoy small things ( the clouds in the sky, the smell of the air, the nature in general, a song that I like), every day is a good one, and life in general it's lovely, I love it. Also the way I see other peoples actions has changed. I know that each one is building its own life (it's true if you give a little thinking on each person's life and actions) and I am trying (and starting to be) less judgmental on others. I am trying also to be less judgmental on my actions.

In fact Nothing has changed in my life, just my attitude and the way I see it. Is' s a wonderfull trip and adventure and many wonderfull things are awaiting to be discovered.