Alright guys,

I read Astral Dynamics years ago and have tried the techniques off and on since then, with limited success. Recently though, I decided to buckle down and REALLY apply myself and do it. So I started working through my energy body looking for blocks, using NEW. Sure enough, when I really did it carefully, I noticed that HUGE portions of my energy body were COMPLETELY blocked. Blocked so much I couldn't even focus my body awareness there! So for a couple of days, I worked on these blocks constantly, and managed to get some energy flowing in the affected areas, much to my delight (with all the HEAVY sensations you'd expect.) I've also been raising energy and storing it in the sub-navel area, because I figure all the energy being used to attack these blockages could use replacing!

Here's where the problem starts. Yesterday I did all of these things intermittently throughout the day. As the day went on, my entire energy body was really buzzing, more and more! Great, right? So I got home last night, and I was REALLY buzzing. At this point I needed to sexually relieve myself -- twice, actually. Not long after that, I noticed that the buzzing and tingling throughout my energy body was getting stronger. WAY too strong. VERY PAINFULLY strong. I went to sleep in fairly severe full-body pain, figuring I was just experiencing the necessary effects of removing a severe blockage.

I got a nice, long, restful sleep, and today I'm physically destroyed. The pain hasn't let up at all, and may actually be worse. Every inch of my skin stings, and the areas I focused on the most (thighs, left arm) sting twice as much. I had to call in sick to work, and I think I even have a fever. I'm barely even able to type this message! I'm sure THIS isn't supposed to happen -- what does this mean?! What did I do wrong??

I'm obviously completely avoiding energy work until this dies down and I feel better. But after that, what do I do? Abandon hope and never try NEW again? I don't think so! So, I really need help ensuring that this won't happen again!!!

Thanks in advance for all advice

Edit: I'm 22, male, and have no physical or mental health problems. I tend to be extremely well grounded in general.