Hello to everybody,

I am now at the end of week 4 of MAP. I am working on all seven primary centers for two days.

Today, when doing the 5 minutes breathing exercise the base center started throbbing and it contined untill I finished the breathing exercise and the breathing for mind taming. Is it normal that the primary centers activate themselves during breathing exercises? Should anything be done or just ignore them?

During the primary centers exercises the base centers activated immediately. Later, when working at the throat center the eye center activated on its own and started throbbing heavily ( I belive that I have a sesitive eye center, I can feel it whenever I concentrate just a little bit on it). On MAP Roberts says that if a primary center gets activated it should be skipped and start working on the following center. On the other hand if the centers are not worked for the same amount of time an imbalance can occur.
My question is how to do from now on if a center gets activated on its own, work it or skip it? If to skip it there will be no problems (imbalance)?

I have to mention that after approx two hour after finishing the energy work the base center strted throbbing again on its own. Is it normal? Should I do something about it or not?