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Thread: a very painful n wierd dream

  1. #1
    nein Guest

    a very painful n wierd dream

    this is what happened:
    I was being told some new technology by someone by which I could use the dead body parts of someone else (or maybe me, don't really remember) to give power to mine.
    I had a leg, then I had to do something to it, and then just inject it into my leg. I did so, and it was very painful (the leg seemed to have a very sharpe edge or something). It was like the pain of getting an injection, but much more intense. I was advised (or so i think) to go slow so that the pain would be less n I would get used to it.

    I very shortly woke up due to the pain( it was immense) , and it stayed for about half second after I was awake.

    I have been having strange dreams the last 2 nights, and even stranger I have been remembering them.

    I have only had two nightmares in my entire life(I'm 15 years now), and even if I had more, I did not download them when I woke.
    This was 2 days ago. I have had I think 3 nightmares in these 2 nights
    They were not very scary, but scary enough to wake me up.
    and they were strange. In one, I found a lion, become his friend, took him to my home, and then suddenly I became bad and started shouting at him. Soon he followed me, I got scared, and woke up.

    In almost all the dreams in the last two days, I suddenly become bad, for example I am having fun with a friend, n then suddenly steal his sandwhich n run away. It usually 'got dark' when I did these things.

    I have also been losing my concentration, and maybe even energy. I have developed cramps all over my body for no reason whatsoever.
    Please explain what this all means

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hello, nein.

    It is hard to tell what's happening. Did you change anything about yourself lately? Like starting meditation or an energy work routine?

    The fact that you "got dark" and did the things in the dream that were either "bad" or painful might denote a negative aspect of yourself is coming to the surface and needs to be dealt with. A leap in personality development like dealing with your own negativity in a very short time can also manifest as bodily problems. Cramps can be a sign of energy surges, and sudden series of unusual dreams might denote the same. Introspective contemplation might be helpful in finding out what is bothering you at the moment.

    You should go and see a doctor about the cramps if you can. There might be a physical reason that is readily treatable.

    To dream that you are being injected for health reasons, suggests your need for healing behavior/ideas/attitudes. You need to develop yourself on a mental and spiritual level.

    To dream that someone is forcibly injecting you, represents your negative attitudes about a particular situation/person. It also indicates the influence of peer pressure working against you. You are recognizing that someone is forcing their negative and unwelcome views/values on you.

    To see a lion in your dream, symbolizes great strength, aggression and power. You will overcome your emotions and/or difficulties. As king of the jungle, the lion also represents royalty, leadership, pride and dominion. You have much influence over others. You may also need to exercise restraint in your own personal and social life.

    To dream that you are attacked by a lion, indicates that you have many obstacles to overcome. You must resist the force that is driving you to self-destruction.

    To see a sandwich in your dream, suggests that a lot of pressure and stress is being put on you. It also reflects your ability to do two things at once. However, sometimes a sandwich is just a sandwich.

    To see or eat a fish sandwich in your dream, indicates conflict between your spiritual beliefs and what is practical.

    To see a corpse in your dream, represents an aspect of yourself that has died. Or it may mean that you are unexpressive. You have shut yourself down and are dead inside.
    (all from:

    Possible interpretation:

    It might be that you have an opportunity to accept a more spiritual path ("lion") in your life - something that might improve your life. However the process might be painful ("injection"), and you still resent the choice ("anger", "getting bad"). You're still chosing the practical ("sandwich") over the spiritual, even if it is not your path ("stealing someone else's sandwich"). You either have to reawake and revive something inside you ("dead body parts") and make use of it ("injection"), or even get into researching your past lives (past life = already dead, but carrying over into the present). There is something in the past which you can use to the benefit of your future, even if it is painful at first.

    Mind you, the episode with the injection might be more like a remembered OBE, especially since it left such a strong effect on your body.

    Take good care,

  3. #3
    nein Guest
    It is hard to tell what's happening. Did you change anything about yourself lately? Like starting meditation or an energy work routine?
    No, nothing like that.

    Well, how do you interpret a dream? I always thought that they spring up from any random thought in the mind.

    I tried autosuggestion, and now I remember more of the dream. I didn't steal the sandwhich, but just took it away from a person who I knew wouldn't deny me of giving it to me. (he's one of those guys who's bad in studies, and I am good, so he likes doing favors so that I may help him)
    I in a way exploited him. The lion too, I was trying to make him do something, n then he got angry

    Oh, and the sandwhich-- I think it was because I was thinking about a sandwhich before I went to sleep ( I thought I would go lucid when it actually comes, but I forgot)

    Mind you, the episode with the injection might be more like a remembered OBE, especially since it left such a strong effect on your body.
    I don't think so, since the pain woke me up, and therefore for sometime I was semi-lucid
    I always thought that dreams couldn't cause pain...

  4. #4
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    Dreams come from the subconscious, and usually aren't random at all. They usually carry messages for self-improvement, if you can interpret the symbols.

    Some people believe that dreams are actually a different kind of OBE. Their potential to hurt or to be exposed to other people or entities that can hurt could be very similar, too.


  5. #5
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    Just a couple of additional things of a physical nature to consider. From my memory of reading Stephen Biddulph's "Raising Boys", boys experience testosterone surges at various ages that can lead to feelings of anger and a need to dominate others. This could be what is currently manifesting in your dream life.

    Growing pains like leg cramps are very common too. Though you're getting a little old for them, a proportion of kids still get them at 15. You can read about them here and see if the description fits. Physical pain will impact dreams.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  6. #6
    nein Guest
    Dreams come from the subconscious, and usually aren't random at all.
    Maybe some of them do n some don't , I mean, why would then the last thing that I have in my mind before sleeping come into my dreams?

    Anyways, the pain that I experienced was very large.It was like a surgery for appendicitis I had some time ago , without anesthesia , because the stock was out or something like that the doctors told me. (they gave me intraveneous sleep medicine and I hadn't slept for 37 hours, so that's how i managed it, but i could not go to sleep for more than 2 minutes)

    Do you think that the dream could be a memory of the surgery?

    I have started to have a pain in my lower back n joints, and I sware my tailbone has grown n become thicker in the past 2 days!
    Doctor says 'its nothing' (when i told him bout my pain) but it has to be something!
    Another one gave me a blood test for arthritis
    I just can't trust them
    What's happening to me?
    One more thing-- all the pimples on my face have suddenly almost disappeared - strange.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nein
    Maybe some of them do n some don't , I mean, why would then the last thing that I have in my mind before sleeping come into my dreams?
    No, all do.
    Everything that you experience, whether you realize it or not, goes into your subconscious and stays there. When you dream you are going through massive amounts of data and impressions and information, and you then remember the last thing your subconscious has presented you.
    So you may see (or may not see) what you thought about before going to sleep; or what you thought about may be connected subconsciously to something that happened before (like the surgery you mentioned). But of all the things you experience in dreamstate, you usually remember the last thing you dreamed about right before waking.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #8
    hermes Guest
    Don't put dead body parts in living body parts. What is dead is dead, and will only draw energy from the living.

    Try reversing the process. Get into trance, see the dead shell around your leg, and begin to draw it out. What should be left is a newborn leg, full of life and light. Then, call upon whatever forces you can to assist in destroying the old dead shell that you have now removed from your aura... asking them to remove it, and purify your leg or any afflicted area. Afterwards, do some energy movement techniques throughout your body to get things flowing and patched up again. You might have to do this a few times depending on how deep it has gone.

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