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Thread: Would you like a Jungian Dream Analysis?

  1. #11
    Triot Guest
    Here's two.

    My girlfriend and son in a building. Some dude want me to come with him.
    So I go along. Intuition steps in and tells me to turn the other way and
    back into the building. Trying to talk with him and telling him polite that
    I need to go back and stay with them. This upsets him and he grabs my
    arm and pulls me away from the house. In reflex I knock the grip and
    run back towards the building. Climbing the wall he grabs my leg and
    pulls me downwards towards the ground. So I start kicking him with the
    other foot to get him off me. Dream ends.

    A second dream is about the same thing. Some guy wants me into a car,
    now there's two others with him. I really don't wanna go with them and
    they are keeping a watch over me to make sure I get in this car. They're
    really insisting. I try something sneaky first entering a nearby building
    with the idea of escaping out the window on the other side. But this
    female keeps following me making sure I'm in her view. In the car I can
    just think about my family and getting back to them.

    In the backseat I'm talking with a guy making excuses why I shouldn't
    go with them and in thought planning another escape route once the car
    stops. Like he his placed there making sure I stay.

    I kept checking the clock in this dream and it was 23:55

    They kinda remind me of these annoying agents in the matrix. Without
    the sunglasses.

  2. #12
    Pneumaphor Guest
    Thank you all for participating! This is what I was hoping for.

    Note, Please Read: In future dreams please consider as many details as possible. Be as anal retentive as you can. After all, "God is in the details." Or the devil depending on your point of view.

    In order to get the grasp of the kind of detail I'm talking about, please read this section from "Our Dreaming Mind" by Robert L. Van de Castle, pp. 300-301 discussing what is arguably the best modern dream recording system so far devised: "Basically, our scoring system consists of sixteen "empirical" scales and three "theoretical" scales, the latter derived from psychoanalytic theory, with an elaborate but precise form of notation that researchers can use to describe dreams. To give some idea of the comprehensiveness of the system, a brief explanation will be given of each of the various scales.

    The Settings scale is used to describe the type of location in which the events take place. The major distinctions involve classifying the locale as an indoor or outdoor setting and indicating the degree of familiarity that the setting has to the dreamer. Sixteen different scores are possible for settings.

    The Objects scale is used to categorize any tangible objects that appear in dreams. Buildings are included under an architectural heading and are further broken down into subtypes: houses or other "residential" dwellings; "vocational" buildings such as factories or offices; and buildings or rooms used for "entertainment," such as restaurants or movie theaters. Other object classifications refer to things found in the household, used for travel, or ued for communication, such as a book or radio. Twenty-four different object categories are found on this scale.

    The people, mythological figures, or animals appearing in dreams are scored on the Characters scale. With the exception of animals, each character is classified with regard to four components: whether a single character or a group of characters is represented; the sex of the character (male, female, or indefinite); the character's relationship to the dreamer family member, relative, known character, etc.): and age of the character (adult, teenager, child, or baby). Hundreds of different character combinations can be represented by this schema.

    Three different groupings of social interactions are scored: Aggression, Friendliness, and Sex. The scoring is similar for all three types of interactions. The character who initiates the interaction is recorded first and the recipient character second. Various subclassifications within each social interaction groupings are also included. For example, eight classifications of aggression are scored. It is also possible to indicate whether the interaction was spontaneously initiated or occurred as a response to some previous action.

    The Activities scale indicates which types of activities-physical, verbal, visual, auditory, and so forth-are involved and which character carries out these activities. Two scales, included under an Achievement Outcomes grouping, indicate whether characters succeed or fail in coping with pro blem situations encountered in the dream. Similarly, two scales included under the Environmental Press grouping indicate which characters experience misfortune or good fortune in the dream. A misfortune is any adversity that befalls characters as a result of external circumstances over which they have no control, as the result of fate or bad luck. A good fortune would be scored for a dream character who won a lottery or benefited from some other form of good luck.

    Five different types of Emotions are scored and an indication is made as to which character experiences these emotions. The types of descriptive terms used by the dreamer in referring to things (big, small, old, ugly,fast, cold, etc.) are included in the Modifiers scale. The Temporal scale contains scores for occasions when the dreamer indicates concern with time factors, while the Negative scale includes instances in which the dreamer uses ords such as no, not, never, and so forth.

    The theoretical scales were included in our book to illustrate how one could construct scales for measuring any psychodynamic construt that can be defined in an objective fashion. The Castration Complex grouping, for example, includes three scales, designed to measure castration anxiety, castration wish, and penis envy in dreams. The Orality grouping includes two scales: one devoted to instances of oral incorporation such as eating, while the other refers to oral emphasis and includes mention of oral body parts like the lips or tongue and related oral activities, such as kisssing. The other theoretical scale is a Regression scale for scoring instances when the dreamer mentions persons, locations, or activities that were associated with an earlier part of his or her life."

    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeew, my fingers hurt!

    Now, I do not expect anyone to be THAT exact, I just wish to highlight the fact that the details are very important. Also, Jungian interpretations rarely get 'Freudian,' especially when I am doing the analysis. the Unconscious does not waste a chance for a good pun! So, in order to get the most out of this experience, put all you can into it. You will only 'reap what you sow.'

    Alright, so, I finished Sleeping Cookie's interpretation and am moving on to the next one in line. Thanks Cookie!

    Love and Light,

  3. #13
    Pneumaphor Guest
    Well people, a new class is starting tomorrow so it may be just a little while before I get back here but keep posting your dreams if you want. If anyone wishes to help interpret dreams posted here while I'm gone they should definitely do so!

  4. #14
    Serenity Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumaphor

    Note, Please Read: In future dreams please consider as many details as possible. Be as anal retentive as you can. After all, "God is in the details." Or the devil depending on your point of view.
    So, you would rather us give you entire dreams instead of coming to you with recurring dream elements?

  5. #15
    Triot Guest
    Spider looking creature probably 1/2 meter in diameter and 1/2 tall
    stalking me around in a city. Trying to outrun it around a house corner,
    then around a building in hope of shaking it off.

    It found me again. When I stopped, it stopped. Kept around 2 meters
    distance. Maybe facinated by me. Was waiting for it to attack in any
    way, and preparing a swiff kick if it did, it didn't. Like feeding a pet
    and it keeps stalking you for more snacks.

    Maybe it falls into some category of 'dreams of stalkers'.

    Forgot: It looked like a hybrid between a spider and lobster.

  6. #16
    Pneumaphor Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Serenity
    Quote Originally Posted by Pneumaphor

    Note, Please Read: In future dreams please consider as many details as possible. Be as anal retentive as you can. After all, "God is in the details." Or the devil depending on your point of view.
    So, you would rather us give you entire dreams instead of coming to you with recurring dream elements?

    Good questions. I obviously left out the most important part, I guess, so here it is: My time is limited. My schedule only seems to get fatter by the day lately. Please don't think that because I make one long post, that I want more or longer or frivolous dreams. It takes a long time to do long dream interpretations (sometimes one to two weeks at a time for me) and any serious analysis regimes are beyond the scope of this particular thread. Therefore, please only send things that you really need help with but can't afford, or don't want a real Jungian analyst to see just yet. If anyone does not recieve a reply from me, know that to indicate that I'm just too busy doing all the one's in the pm inbox. I'll try to get there eventually.

    I didn't realize that so many people were interested in Jung. I do live in the woods though. I must congratulate you all on your wonderful intuitions and good taste!

  7. #17
    Serenity Guest
    You come with good recommendations. I just thought it wise to clarify that point.

  8. #18
    Pneumaphor Guest
    Thank you, Serenity

    I realize, however, that I still didn't answer your question. In a case where the two options you mentioned are the only criteria, 'Recurring' dream elements would be the ones to work on first because they usually represent something that needs more focused attention sooner (hangups). Recurring dreams are also usually the most advantageous dreams to analyze because once the issue is understood, the dreamer usually has that immediate "Aha" feeling and gets that missing psychological piece of the puzzle that they need to have normal daily life.

    For example, I had a recurring dream that my well-to-do real estate agent uncle was standing beside my mother, always glaring at me like I was an errant child (he does not approve of my non-materialistic 'mystical' view of life). In these dreams, my mother always appeared childlike and clueless and most importantly, unconscious to my uncle's presence always at her side. I finally realized, through discussion of this with my sister, that this was actually a visual representation of his attitude (step on whoever you have to to get rich), more precisely a copy of his ego, actually assimilated into my mom's ego. When we realized all this, all of my mother's negative actions became almost instantaneously transparent. My mother and uncle grew up together under very hard circumstances so they're still very close to this day. That gave me freedom, like my hands had been untied, because I knew then how to guage my mother's advice by looking for which of these two places in her mind it had come.

    Better yet, since discussing these findings with my mother she has realized that my dreams see right through her and has completely stopped pressuring me or even thinking of pressuring me into any career. Discussing these truths with her completely nonplussed her negativity. As an interesting and hopeful side, my sister has gleaned the same insight I have and has experienced the same "Aha" feeling and freed her hands as well. She was thrilled with the discovery! Our mother has always been somewhat overbearing in both our lives until lately.

    So, recurring elements are the best places to start for immediate results. Thank you for your interest and good questions, Serenity.

    By the way, I'm sure you figured out that I was making a blanket statement for everyone with my last post, not you in particular, Serenity. Some have sent me fake dreams and that annoys me because I can see right through them, right off the bat.

    So, everyone, if your dreams are real, please let me help you because you are me. There's no line dividing the body of air I'm breathing from the one you're breathing. They're the same and so are we. If I can improve this world now by helping you, then when my child has to share this world with your children, I will know that I did the best thing I knew how to improve this world for both, aid people in listening to their true, omniscient Selves, through their own dreams.

    Love and Light,

  9. #19
    Silence Guest
    Thanks for offering this service! Understand you are very busy,
    and if you get time cool, if not, no sweat.

    Please send as private message.

    Picking "which" dream is the hardest. Rarely have reoccuring
    dreams but do have many dreams where I'm stuck and it
    keeps repeating like a broken record, or just gets stuck for
    the longest time and wake up so frustrated!

    Also, have been having dreams where I feel guilty or people
    are mean, or disappointed in me. Horrible! I've never had dreams
    like that in my life. Even if some monster is chasing me or it's
    a bloody gorey one, I've never had so much pointed at myself.

    The dream where I ran over my baby, was pretty clear to me
    what was going on emotionally with me at that time, so will give
    one I had recently, that was very strange.

    This was a waking dream when I usually get visions, so it was
    odd that is was more dreamlike than real like. Well, how do I put
    this... it was still real like. All my dreams are in color, very
    detailed, sometimes more details standing out than others.
    Usually my dreams will be a multitude of tangents, but waking
    visions will be like a movie.
    Within the last year, my dreams have been more like, but not
    exactly like my waking visions, but more movie like.

    Anyway... the dream.

    Started out I could see the father of my baby just standing in
    the bkg. As usual in my dreams, he is just standing there doing
    nothing. I've really been wanting to get out and about and
    find someone so my baby doesn't grow up without a good male
    role model, so this has been on my mind and prob
    why had this dream but it turned strange.

    I was in my house. Only this wasn't my house... It felt like
    my "home", but this was an underground place. It was like an Ewok
    house but underground or something. Like dried grass walls,
    but remembered thinking how great my decorating was and
    how compfortable I was. Had all my important things there with
    me. It was like room after room with dividers like at an art show,
    but all underground in cave, but the cave ceiling didn't seem high.

    There was a handsome man that popped in front of me. Dark
    hair, beautiful face, chiseled features, tall, lean, striped shirt,
    dark blue and white, with dark pants. He seemed really glad
    to meet me, and wanted to see my place. So I showed him how
    to get down there, by rough wooden ladder. Then he started
    kind of being rude. Saying things like "why didn't I do this?"
    and "why didn't I do that?" walking around the areas, then it
    was like we were supposed to move somewhere and he wasn't
    helping, remember feeling in the dream like I really didn't want
    to be around him and wanted him to leave, then we went down
    another ladder and he started showing me gross stuff.
    There were cages with animals in them, that were devouring each
    other. He was testing them. He would put a certain animal in with
    another to see who would kill and eat the other. Then showed
    me a whole shed like place with "huge" rats size of medium sized
    dogs, feeding on an already maggot infested body. The maggots
    were even size of normal big sized rats.
    I felt like he wanted eyeballs. Like he collected them. He showed
    me a brown and blue eyeball. He would bury the one with the best eyeball, then when he found one to take it's place as the best, he would dig up the body of his favorite eyesball and feed it to these huge rats.

    Details in my home: framed photos laying on a nice coffee table..
    you know those made out of tree trunks, with glass inset? couldn't
    see images in photos. Browns, lots of various brown colors, lighter
    and darker tones.

    Dream started out normal, feeling good, then turned where I felt
    disappointed, upset, didn't know what to do, ... just bad, almost
    sick to stomach. Actually, thinking about it now makes my sick.

    Hope that's enough details to work off.

    Wonderful day to you!


  10. #20
    Pneumaphor Guest

    Thank you, you have sent a perfect dream to begin with. Right off the bat, I can tell you that your personal unconscious feels that this is prime time to show you deeper things! I'm confident that you have never had that dream before and that it was more lucid than most dreams you've ever had. It is rich in archetypal symbolism! Dreams like this only happen at pivotal points in individual development. It is much like a particularly meaningful breakthrough dream that Jung himself had, which is recounted in his autobiography.

    The subject matter in the dream is actually sacred, and when I first read it, my overall thoughts boiled down to "Breakthrough!" so I'll spare no effort in your interpretation.

    For anyone else who wants an interpretation, you may send it to my p.m. inbox before posting it on the thread if you wish. I recommend doing this. You can post whatever you will after receiving your interpretation. Helping is my goal. Filling my thread with activity is nice but practically inconsequential to me personally. It would be far better if this thread could be locked but in the absence of that option, the p.m. inbox works just fine.

    I'll get right on it, Silence. Thank you for choosing me, it is my pleasure and honor to serve you in these matters! At the moment, this is the best way I can say a deep heartfelt "thank you" to Dr. Jung, wherever he is now, for what he did for myself and countless others. You can expect a reply in less than two weeks.

    Love and Light,

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