Usually when I've all of a sudden remember a dream from the past - with vivid feelings like it is really happening it is showing me that that dream is connected to this moment in my physical life.

I believe that dreams have "triggers" to help us recall them when we need them. Once I had the rip in the fabric of my car ceiling be that trigger. I looked up in middle of conversation, saw the rip and the dream flooded back. It was a dream I had forgotten about an accident. I felt the dream come alive. I felt the energy and started a little anxiety attack. When I drove home, I was very careful, asking my guides for help and safety. They were doing construction and so the light posts were out. I felt the energy increase - I drove slower on the freeway. It was late. I couldn't get over from the right lane to a center lane because of cars passing. I slowed down to about 35 - to see an accident in the lane and a person behind his car right in front of me. I was able to stop - put on flashers. I could have hit him - I could have hurt someone. Then the feelings went away and a calmness and peacefulness replaced the anxiety.

So, I believe there are these remembrances to pay attention to what is around us and see if there is a link with the dream.