I have recently come to terms with a vocation I connect strongly with. I wish to learn to heal others. Even more so.. I wish to help heal our Earth. With all the apparent anarchy going on now a days, with all the studying and reading I have done in the past couple of months... I as though the earth is suffering form a compermised amune system...
I would say that one of the roles of humanity.. supposedly is to work and function as the caretakers of the planet.. We for some mysterious or occult(hidden) reason have been cut off from that duty. I could go on for pages about my option but it would not serve the purpose of this post.
I feel that our people have been enslaved for many millenia... Almost as if we are born into captivity. We are taught to be angry.. to hate.. to feel alone.. as a result.. we numb ourselves... Drug, Media, Sex, Politics, War All of this things coming together to prevent us ever realizing who we are... where we came from... and what we can do to restore the balance.
A message I hear more and more these days... We all have a choice to feel the way we feel. Hate will only beget more hate.. lust.. more lust... etc.. the opposite pole of that being... Love more love compassion more compassion. We cannot heal ourselves and the world using the very tools that have been put in place in enslave us...
By choosing to be positive.. but choosing to smile instead of frown.. by choosing to love and manifest love.. and spread love.. and becoming a point source of that high emotion we can postively affect others around us. By healing and educating those around us about these facts.. (if they are ready for the knowledge) they too can become point sources. It only takes one match to ignite a blaze.
Eminating these high emotions and learning to do what is necessary to help boost out mother earths healing.. we can restore her amune system.. and we can help her to iradicate the mysterious disease that infects her....
That is why I wish to become a healer...