i'm certain that i've been out of my body (without intent, but with a certain permission when it happens). THE PROBLEM IS, while everything is vivid and i'm happy for the experience, it's not like anything i've heard described when i've looked into these things. EVERYTHING IS BLACK, and mostly i feel out of a control, like rolling around a a barrel.

i thought i was suppose to see, and travel. i like that after all my wanting that something i can't explain is happening to me, and more and more frequent, BUT...ANY TIPS FOR GRABBING THIS BULL BY THE HORNS AND GAINING SOME CLARITY? could it just come in time?

EXTRA HISTORY AND ONE FINAL QUESTION!: i've done this 5 or 6 times in the past 3 weeks (it's just started) at first it was when i just began to fall to sleep and there was a strong feeling about it all, even my body tingled when i woke, now however it happens mid dream, there's a pull, but less intense, and my body feels nothing when i wake. IS it normal for the feeling to become less intense as i get use to it?

i don't know who else to ask about this stuff, so thank you very much for any help you can send my way.