Hi this is my first post to this forum. I was wondering if anybody had any experience of methods of contacting the higher self.

I've used something called a higher self card which has a magnetic strip which you hold against the palm. You go through a series of powering up commands and then ask a series of questions (of your choice). The yes/no answer comes through a physical movement of the body - normally swaying backwards or forwards for yes/no answer.

I used it with a bit of scepticism a few years ago. I wasn't told any likely effects but when I held the card my arms raised themselves up (as they have done once or twice since, when doing particular practises, seems to be consistent with a lot of energy entering the system) then did indeed get the yes/no swaying response.

I've had a few friends try it out (again without telling them what to expect) and they have also experienced the swaying.

I wondered if anybody else has used any similar tools/techniques - e.g the EM Power disk being sold by Coby Zvikler. I would be interested to know your experience.