Quote Originally Posted by Earthborn
Wow, that is about where I am... Still only Spontaneous... Cluster events are not the common type of exit event for me... CFT: what are the common factors in place during spontaneous OBE??? ...
I believe the factors are individual,but I think with spontaneous projecting it's more a matter of how your sleep patterns change with the season/s, how your energy fluctuates, and especially what is happening in your emotional life. I find that when I'm stressed out or exhausted I don't really remember my projections. I do believe that the best course of action is to learn how to induce your projections, and at the very least this will help you find out what makes you 'tick', so to speak.
sometimes i can 'feel' the energies long before i lay down, but cannot induce the full cycle... other times I feel nothing at all, (beforehand) and find myself vibing out of control a second later... cannot find a pattern...
I believe that you can start doing things like recording your dreams and/or hypnagogics, and other things, and it may also help you find your personal pattern.
As to body position, most people have their 'favorite' (mine is reclined) but whatever this is, it's important to establish some sort of ritual to 'train' yourself to do something specific to help with induction. For example, I have a recliner that I use for projecting, and without realizing it, I 'trained' myself to project just by sitting on it. Every little bit helps.