Considering that you can meet angels, god, jesus etc when projecting I don't think it's really something we should be afraid of.

I have only read some minor parts of the bible so I can't tell what it says about these matters, but from what I've heard it seems to be contradicting itself in various places, and the search for the truth about life, the universe and everything shouldn't be stopped just because someone (might have) told you to not do it imo.

Where I live (Sweden), only very few still go to the church. While a strict religion may not be the right thing for many of us, it seems like we are still fairly interested in religious matters, only we don't necessarily follow the path someone else laid out for us 2000 years ago far away in a very different society. The ability to judge for yourself about right and wrong is more important in my opinion.

Unfortunately, this has made it possible for some "brain washing" type of religions to get a foothold, but I think more and more people are realizing what's wrong with those and stay away from them.

Regarding psychics and whether they are told lies - indeed, sometimes that happens. Even the most skilled psychic can never always be 100% correct. In some cases it might be daemons telling them lies, in other cases it may be the spirits of people telling them lies, and it might also be that they completely misunderstood what the message was.

I am not a psychic myself, but in most cases it should be possible to tell the good ones from the evil ones, but that may not always be possible and sooner or later you may make a mistake. It's like when dealing with people - some may lie, and it's not obvious that they do.

If satan is the father of all lies, then he sure has a good sexlife

Seriously though, not all lies are bad or intended to be bad, and not all truths that are told are good or told with an intention to do good. Things are not always black or white, there are many shades to pick from and then you have various colors aswell, and sometimes you can get a headache from the chemicals in the paint.