Just thought it might be a fun thread. If you have a totem animal spirit, what is it?

Mine is a horse. Looks like a mustang, but that just could be the way I visualise wild horses (spent much of my childhood in Arizona ).

Horse represents freedom and power. Horse people are wild spirits that cannot be broken. If Horse comes to you, look for safe passage into the new. We must synchronize our motives with that of others so we can quickly and steadily reach our goals.
Interestingly, my horse was with me throughout most of my childhood. I thought it was an "imaginary" horse for years... It was my companion through thick and thin. Then I sort of lost contact (i.e., I got more interested in material things and for a while lost my awareness of the astral/spiritual), though I always had a big thing for unicorns (collect them still, though I have so many now I'm very, very selective about what I add to the collection).

Then, just this year, my horse came back! Or, rather, I became aware of it (I say "it" because it's never been revealed if the horse is male or female; I'd say it's not very important, and the horse does have a gender-neutral name that I gave it when I was small). Happily, a friend who is well-versed in Native American mysticism and lore helped me to understand about the nature of my equine companion and to work out why, after all these years, I suddenly became aware of my childhood "imaginary" horse again...

Okay. That's my story. Share yours?