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Thread: Sleep paralysis.. in a dream?

  1. #1
    Alaskans Guest

    Sleep paralysis.. in a dream?

    This morning, I.. umm.. woke up into a dream. I was laying on an old bed in a dusty ruined mansion (clasic haunted house basicly.) I could look around but I was sleep paralyzed, I could move, but like I was tranquilized. I had a feeling that something was after me, I think thats what 'woke me up' into the dream. I could sense it crawling around but it was invisible. At one point I spit where I thought it was, and hit it. I jerked my arm and threw some energy at it, but my mind was all foggy like I was asleep, and the energy didnt do much. It seemed like some kind of spider about 2ft in diameter. I fought it for awhile paralyzed and foggy headed, eventually I woke up. I still felt threatened and imagined being on fire (my defensive measure ).

    It was like sleep paralysis but my surroundings were totally different, I was in an old house, rather than the appartment.

    I guess this is actually the second time I have been paralyzed in a dream, the other time I was in some place Aunt Clair said was an astral realm. But its the first time Ive suddenly 'woke up' into a dream like that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I.. umm.. woke up into a dream
    It was like sleep paralysis but my surroundings were totally different
    sounds like a projection to me... i occasionally find myself being 'kicked' into 'lucid dream' from the OBE state... dunno if it is an energy problem or just a sleepy thing but it happens occasionally... the key thing is the paralysis... more indicative of OBE... i remember one time (while OOB), dream imagery came in very strong,,, like it just took over, i wondered if i would remember it at all, as i must have fallen asleep during OBE or something... but of course the vibrations were still there... and i did remember the whole thing...

    just because you are dreaming, doesn't mean you are not OOB...
    We Sleep, that we may dream. We Dream, that we may wake. Jonathan Livingston Seagull

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    That happens me when I project after sleeping to much- get paralyzed in projections and then wake up to be paralyzed again, and continue the chain of events while paralyzed in the dream. (In other words, project, wake up in dream, be paralyzed, wake again, yada yada. It's like false awakenings nested with paralysis...
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4
    Psychotronic Guest

    Re: Sleep paralysis.. in a dream?

    In my view it is something like half-dream. It happened to me circa five times. The principle of this phenomenon is, that you are feeling physical body(paralysed), but you think, that you are in a dream. You are in subconsciousness with full visualization of everything in a dream and other aspects of dream, but you feel physical body and you are lying on a physical bed. Sometimes I am lying on a bed in a dream and I want to pick up my head, but it is impossible. I wake up and I notice, that I was trying to pick up my real physical head. (because I can feel this fact on my neck) That induce, that I had connected my dreaming mind to phycisal nerves on a physical body.

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