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Thread: Habituation Factor?

  1. #21
    seankerr123 Guest

    Re: Habituation Factor?

    Sorry you guys, I've been away for a few days. Bad moment to go out of town.
    Sorry for confusion, Journy! I'm a touchy empath, prone to misunderstandings.

    Had a look at the amazon search. Thanks for the suggestion, Korpo! It's a handful of intriguing descriptions. They are all fairly fleeting and situational though, so this still remains for me a big

    If this strand trails off, I'd still appreciate anyone who comes across it in the future reopening it if they have insights or similar experiences to add!

    Thanks and best wishes,

  2. Re: Habituation Factor?

    Hi seankerr123,

    I will go back to the initial question that you posed.

    I started to use Hemi Sync for a while. Robert Monroe suggest that you use each track so many times untill you get accustommed with it and that each exercise is based on the previous one and should be listened in the order they are given.

    What I found out from listening to them (I listened more than twor weeks for a track, every single day of the week) is that the more I listen to a track the deeper I go. What I mean is that I loose contact with the outside world and I go faster into Focus 10. When I put my helmets on even on the preparatory session my body and my brain tend to relax and to enter into a deep relaxation similar to Focus 10. So for me listening and relistening on the same track is very positive and has beneficial effects. It's true that I don't go OBE like Bruce does but I belive that what I am experiencing is phasing. I am not very advanced yet.
    Some things are quite important when doing the binaural beats (at least the Monroe tracks): try not to do things physical, be as relaxed as possible; try to follow the track not to force yourself doing it, where is necessary to place an intent in the exercise think about it before the exercise and then just go and do it (start moving, imagine a scene from where to begin and just go).
    It's really working, in the beginning you are imagining things abut afterwards from a point something that you dindn't place there is appearing from nowhere and something that you didn't plan is happening.
    You might find also hepfull the journal of outofbodydude from the conversation board/ afterlife knowledge of Bruce Moen web site.

    Hope it's somehow helpful

  3. #23
    seankerr123 Guest

    Re: Habituation Factor?

    Hi Lia,

    Thanks for your feedback. It IS helpful.

    Just gave in two days back and purchased the JOOB cd set, so I am waiting for that to arrive and am definitely looking forward to putting it to use

    One practical question: in your experience, can hemisync still be taken advantage of while in a weakened physical/mental state, like that of a sleep-deprived, overworked grad student? I am tempted to put them aside until i have a chunk of time in which i'll refreshed and at full strength (like perhaps this summer) - but what do you think: is this unnecessary?

    Thanks and best wishes,

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Habituation Factor?

    If I may butt in:
    I find the 'whooshing' sound in the JOOB CD's refreshing, like being on the beach, so when I'm sleep deprived and have no time for extra sleep time, I take a refreshing nap with the relaxation CD. I find that it refreshes me and doesn't let me go to sleep fully and get in trouble later.
    Ok, back to your convo.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. Re: Habituation Factor?

    You can do them even if you are tired. What might happen if you are too tired is that you will fall asleep. The authors of meditation CD's state that even if you can not concentrate and stay awake but you fall asleep is not so important because the brain will be exposed to the influence of the waves and you will benefit anyway of the meditation session. New newronal pathways are formed in the brain and the more you listen to the meditation CD the more they are stimulated and the easier the brain accesses them. It works also in the waking life not only when meditating.
    You might also be awake during the meditation session for a while and suddently it will finish, you click out and you have no memories of what happen.

    So if I were you and if I have time I would go and listen to them. There is nothing negative that can happen.

    Good luck with them


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