A simple search showed me we really have no thread in this sub-forum for Bruce Moen's books. That's kind funny how often the guy is cited...

Bruce Moen's primary tool of exploration is not classical AP but phasing - both Monroe-style and his own, home-brewed techniques. His personal interest into the afterlife drove him to participate in several TMI programs - Gateway Voyage, Lifeline and Exploration Focus 27. For anyone remotely interested in visiting one of these programs, Moen's first book - "Voyage into the Unknown" might be a cheap way to take a sneak peek of what to expect.

Moen's first book describes his personal entree into exploring the non-physical realities, including his Gateway Voyage (GV) and the two Lifelines (LL) he attended. While GV is intended to explore energy work (Focus 10), intuition, extra-sensory perception, OBE (Focus 12), manifestation and creation (Focus 15) and communication with non-physical beings (Focus 21), LL explores Focus 22-27, the worlds beyond this life. Focus 22 - unconscious and comatose, on the border of death. Focus 23 - deceased and still stuck within physical thinking. Focus 24-26 - belief system "heavens". Focus 27 - the full awareness of the "life between lives", as M. Newton would describe it. The purpose of the LL program is to explore these states and actively help shifting people from Focus 23 to Focus 27, including parts of yourself from past lives. LL was instituted by Monroe after the experiences he made himself during retrievals, described in "Ultimate Journey".

Moen describes how retrievals became his own portal to experiencing and understanding the afterlife. He for example describes healing himself from sarcoidosis through retrieving a past life that was stuck in Focus 23 due to a very traumatic death involving liver infection. He describes meeting helpers, verifying his experiences by going on partnered explorations and comparing notes (see mostly "Voyage beyond Doubt"). He describes meeting non-physical teachers and friends, having shamanic experiences, etc.

Many things make Moen's books stand out. Among them is that Moen did have his own share of problems and tells how he overcame them. How he overcame limiting beliefs. In fact, Moen had extreme problems with limiting beliefs blocking any non-physical perception. His resolution of problems of overcoming limiting beliefs, the memory recall problem, and so on are a very helpful read and may provide key puzzle pieces for your personal riddles. Also his books help understand the Monroe model of Focus levels much better and deeper than any other source. Sometimes Moen just makes a fool of himself, and is not afraid to admit it. It is an entertaining read IMO.

I just bought the first two, and also the fifth one. This "Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook" is good if you want to learn from his ideas and techniques. The other four are his personal story so far. Highly recommended.
