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Thread: Affecting random number generators?

  1. #1

    Affecting random number generators?

    Just wanted to ask If it is possible to affect a random number generator by the mind?
    I´m playing a game at the Internet which you can win money on.

    I can be run by itself.
    When I´m looking at the game I always seem to loose or stay even, but when I´m not there I always go up and win alot of money.
    Can I involuntarily affect the random number generator used in the game by accident?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    Events that seem to follow rather random patterns seem to be most easily influenced. The more determined an outcome is, the harder it is to change. Experiments in influencing randomly generated events exist, but this can backfire - some people influence the event only to lose more often. This is just as significant a deviation from the expected average than the other way round, but surely not very helpful.


  3. #3
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    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    My interest in RNG's is in their reactive qualities- if you can detect a change in the randomness then you can be aware of something that's going to happen in a large scale. Interesting at the least. Of course, most people get 'feelings', but having something like that to back them up can be interesting.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #4

    RNG test?

    Is there any RNG program where you can try and affect the results?

  5. #5
    Psychotronic Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    This experiment must has strong relationship to methods of generating numbers. Do anybody know concrete methods? In some energetic spheres it can be successful.

  6. #6
    al.luciddreamer Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    You should check this out:

    The Global Consciousness Project

  7. #7
    vipah Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    I actually can affect numbers but only when i concentrate and put some will behind my thoughts.

    For example my internet connection. It is usually stable but at will and thought with concentration i can increase it by a tremendous amount and vice versa.

    Maybe if you concentrate and have some will with power of thought, you can achieve it.

    Its just a comment. I dont know if it will work but it works for me.

  8. #8
    Hibby Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    There’s actually a lot of sites on the internet that allows you to test/train this ability.
    I remember reading this book about the third eye, and it says something about how God created the world with words, and that humans was at one point also able to affect reality by simply speaking words. But of course has diminished over time. I think the ability to affect a random number generator is similar to this one or even the same.
    Well, that would also help explain why people find success by talking about themselves in the mirror besides from the psychological standpoint.

    Well since this is an ability that uses will to affect reality, i was just wondering if it is affected by the number of people living on earth.
    What i am thinking now is that, reality is like a pond of consciousness. Where each individual occupies some amount in percentage of volume in that pond. As the pond gets bigger or shared between individuals, the effect that the person's will has on this pond diminishes as he/she vibrates the particles that is controlled by the person's will.
    Well, something like that would explain why our ability to affect the physical world to lessen.

  9. #9
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    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hibby
    There’s actually a lot of sites on the internet that allows you to test/train this ability.
    I remember reading this book about the third eye, and it says something about how God created the world with words, and that humans was at one point also able to affect reality by simply speaking words. But of course has diminished over time. I think the ability to affect a random number generator is similar to this one or even the same.
    Well, that would also help explain why people find success by talking about themselves in the mirror besides from the psychological standpoint.

    Well since this is an ability that uses will to affect reality, i was just wondering if it is affected by the number of people living on earth.
    What i am thinking now is that, reality is like a pond of consciousness. Where each individual occupies some amount in percentage of volume in that pond. As the pond gets bigger or shared between individuals, the effect that the person's will has on this pond diminishes as he/she vibrates the particles that is controlled by the person's will.
    Well, something like that would explain why our ability to affect the physical world to lessen.
    I believe I read somewhere that numbers are relevant, that it has to be a certain percentage of the population, making it a 'local' phenomenon. However, it was a long time ago and I don't know if they've discovered otherwise.
    This would explain why magic works better in some places than others. Local belief plays a part in the outcome.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  10. #10
    nightdrift17 Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    Just in case someone wants a random generator application I just made one for fun. Here's the link
    [link removed - you must have 20 posts before posting links, or have permission from the administration]
    its only 100kb so its not big.
    If you use this, and want it to do something else, just tell me.

    Here's the code if someone's interested in c++. Its a very simple program.
    	 #include <iostream.h>
    			 #include <time.h>
    			 #include <stdlib.h>
    			 #include <conio.h>
    			 void main()
    			 {cout<<"Press 1, and maybe keep it pressed for some time.\n";
    			  int s1=0,s2=0;int c=0;
    			 {char x;
    			 s1=random(3)-1; s2+=s1;
    			 cout<<++c<<".you: "<<s1<<"score: "<<s2<<endl;

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