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Thread: Affecting random number generators?

  1. #11
    Chris_com28 Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    From what I've read a program wouldn't be random. A truely RNG would have to be something based on radioactive decay, since that's completely random. Though a psuedo RNG could have some use, it's not as good as the real thing.

  2. #12
    Hibby Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    now that you mention it, for this experiment to work either you have to send the command (subconsciously or consciously) for the action that would influence the random number generator in that way, such as for a ball lottery you'd have to make them bounce a certain way so that the number you desire will come out. meaning somewhere in your mind you need to know what force to apply to which ball to cause the right ball to come out. Or unless the world understands your desires and makes the necessary action to produce it. It could mean different types of random number generator could be harder or easier to influence.

  3. #13
    sleeper Guest

    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    I've read a lot of reports that reference studies where random number generators were influenced by "thought."

    But, I've never found any successful study that left a report behind - only hearsay - except for one study, which is old (from the early 1970's, i think) and it reported something like a 1.2% success rate - so I'm not sure what stance to take on this. 1.2% success is significant, if it was a good study. But scientifically speaking, I suspect that this kind of study is hard to pull off in any convincing way. There was a show on PBS some years ago that showcased a study that got great results with this, however, that study was heavily criticized for the quality of their random number generators. First of all, the random number generators in computers are far less random than dice or any real-life objects. so the random number generators themselves have to be tested, ran, recorded, and it has to be a very large data sample to have any value. Then the thought participants have to produce a sample of similarly large size, which has problems of it's own. Anyone who gambles should know that thinking the number "7" or "11" for more than a few minutes is mentally exhausting. AP'ers know that focusing on any thing in any intense way is very difficult and can be exhausting. So it's hard to produce a large data sample with this study, if you're giving people the breaks they need. If you don't give them breaks, you know that their minds are going to wander and they may even fall asleep, and you get bad data.

    Looking at a manifesting perspective, the thought that manifests is the intent, not the successive thoughts. So getting a "7" or "21" to manifest is very very near very impossible (from my perspective), though others will certainly disagree. This is how I see it: Both the universe and our higher selves know what's best for us. so when we manifest a thought, such as "lots of money," we are sending it through the void, to our higher aspects (the universe, if you will), who (seeing and controlling things from a much larger perspective) we want to manipulate a particular event - a lottery or something, to give us what we want. It's like throwing a boomerang to the fringes of existence, with perfect aim, so it comes back and hits the slot machine in the sweet spot that makes the jackpot hit. so it requires high precision, powerful intent, etc., but that's not really a big deal, because the universe is powerful. The hard part here would be getting our desire (of lots of money) out of the way so that our intent (for lots of money) could manifest.

    From a personal power perspective, there are those rare magical moments, where we are operating on a perfectly attuned mental frequency and for short periods of time, get everything we want. Perhaps a properly focused and attuned person would be able to stay in this state, and use personal mental power to affect the program directly, idk.

    I have never tried any of this, i'm just guessing.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Re: Affecting random number generators?

    To add to that, the wish "lots of money" can be generated by the desire for security- to know that the rent/mortgage will be paid, belly full, that great new TV, to know that there doesn't have to be anything to worry about from the perspective of 'having what you need and a little bit more to enjoy life'. And this need can be met in many other ways than to win the lottery- making the options a lot larger for the universe to fill.
    Something to think about.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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