I didn't really see a better forum for this to go into, but I am trying to achieve OBE or to astrally project, I made an mp3 an hour long from the brainwave generator (deep meditation one) and I've been using on my mp3 player. I also have a Robert Monroe hemi sync cd but I don't think thats for me right now (its not clearing presented just exactly whats going on in my opinion right now. Plus its main purpose isn't to train to to consciously induce and OBE).

I think I've achieved a light trance to an "average" trance. My hands most noticeably get heavy/numb (like I can't really feel them there sort of), but I think my main problem is when I'm concentrating hard on blocking my thoughts out while simultaneously trying to feel a falling sensation on exhale my forehead and eyes tense.

I have been trying chakra energy work, and I believe in Robert Bruce's treasie to astral projection he says to pull energy up to your base chakra seven times, spleen three times, etc. Do you open the base chakra first, then pull energy with your HANDS or pull energy after you open it? Also, do you open them every time you pull energy into them (thats just a method of stimulating them right? so I don't see why it would be bad, but I don't think it hurts to ask)?
Normally I've been waiting for tingling and heavy in my feet before pulling energy is this a good thing to do? I haven't had a lot of chakra sensation but I have only been doing it a few days, and RB described some pretty sensational feelings from them, is this bad?

Sorry for so many questions, I don't mean to be redundant if I am