Takes place in Louisianna Bayous and I about a witches and magick and all that good stuff. The magick is actually something called hoodoo which they say is different from voodoo, in that voodoo is relatively harmless but this is the hoodoo magick is that which is the harmful magick. Nothing much to be learned here, at least for me, nothing enlightening or anything of that nature. Fairly good movie, bad ending (the good guys didnt win :cry: ) a little neat as far as the magick symbols and circles used are very much familiar with the real ones. As far as that wouldnt watch it again nor would I the first time if I had known what I know now (with the exclusion of knowing the plot, takes out all the fun :p) unless I was perhaps really bored, nothing on tv, internet etc.. cold outside and wanted to possibly relax (key word: relax=not scary).