I have sleep paralysis quite often (almost every day). In fact, when I don't have it, I say, "Ha! No more sleep paralysis for me!", then ironically I have it right then and there.

Well, I decided to relax, no nap or sleep, just thinking while laying in my bed. Then, like when your sick and you have to throw up, you get that feeling that you know it's about to happen. I wasn't even in a sleeping state (not really anyway) and I felt myself slip into paralysis.

This time though, it was uber strong. Usually when I fall into paralysis, I feel helpless, but there is always this feeling that you can will yourself out of it. And eventually I do. But this time, I felt incredibly helpless! I knew it too! I was kind of frightened, usually it's just creepy but I was actually kind of scared this time. Not that I thought that I was in any kind of danger, but I knew there was no getting out of it.

There was a sound. Not just a static like sound that I may hear, but a melodic whooshing with a wind-chime added. The room faded out, into a white whirl type...I can't describe it. I felt myself being sucked up, then back down, with a slight shake, then I see my room again.

This happens one more time, before I feel that I have a will again, and I snap out of it.

It was soooo strange. But why was it so different this time?