Last night, after reading to my son, (Harry Potter, for whoever's interested), the cat climbed in the bed and started to annoy him. I got her calmed down and decided to stay for a while to make sure she went to sleep and didn't wake him. I decided to do some exercises while I lay there. I did NEW - legs, arms, then the whole body bouncing technique, full-body circuit, and then chakras. When I got to the brow chakra, I saw a light from the top (it was dark). I could feel a pressure on the forehead so I did the looking-up thing (I hadn't done it in months, because of headaches)- and POW! My eyes (or 3d eye) strobed- it was like a camera flash went off- that had never happened before, even though I have frequent clarivoyant experiences- So I lay there a little spooked- did it again to see what happened- and another even stronger one! It was wild! Then I got up, went to my bed and had all kinds of dreams- not lucid but of the alternate reality serialized variety- (I used to have a lot of those- where I had another life that kept going in dreams, but those had stopped , along with lucid dreams and OBEs when I started having Neg manifestations.) But I never had strobes like that. So, to those of you who have those- what should I expect from now on?