I've read many of your articles and haven't read anything about these type of projections. I'll be as brief as possible so you can get the general idea. I've seen several of "myselves" in some of my projections.

My first projection was particulary strange. I projected and looked back at myself and declared "This is really true!". I flew around my screen room for a while, but I didn't have much control and started getting vertigo to the point that I needed to end the experiance. My "real" self tried to call my projection back, but it didn't want to come back--and it resisted! I had a stronger pull on it and "we" were having a battle of strengths. As it was coming back in, 2 more projections came out of it! There were 3 seperate projections and all were aware of eachother. The two new projections left the screen house and the original one came back in to me. I then came back to normal, but realized that two projections where still out there. I felt that part of me was missing and wondered what will happen with the two of me out there. I wondered if I would ever return to normal.

I went on vacation for a week and all I could see in my mind, continuously, was the two projectors that didn't come back patrolling around my neighbor's and my house. I could see the things out of the projector's eyes, but I didn't see any people.
I conducted a test by looking at my home and saw a yellow bag and a white bag on my driveway. When I returned home, THE BAGS WERE THERE!. So I really saw my home from about a 1000 miles away.

Eventually, the two projectors just slowly fizzled away and I felt normal again.

In many of my projections I look back at myself and see 2 bodies of me sleeping, and hovering over me.

I'm just looking for some comments. Is this happen among other projectors?

Thank you for your time.