Whoa! Over the past 12 years I've tried to, in some kind of hodge podge way raise kundalini. Didn't work. I did succeed in making myself think it did, but the reality is much better and convincing. I understand quite a bit about how dangerous this energy can be now. The first experience was nice, light and controlled, probably due to the fact that I had some idea of the nature of the energy.

It's fascinating. I can see exactly how it relates to sexual energy. It seems as though that is what it is, in agreement with the thousands of years of sages (go figure =P). The most amazing part, and I guess I should have seen this coming, was that the small amount that raised out of the base of my spine cleared a really resistant blockage in my back. But what was interesting was the way this happened. The muscles tensed on their own, my breating went faster, they reached a point where they felt like they were going to pop and then....boom. Total relief. And....my back, for lack of a better term, had an orgasm! The same sensations were there, only localized in my upper back. Certainly is a dead ringer for the Orgone energy of Reich. This is with an extremely small amount of the Kundalini energy. I can imagine what a nuclear blast of pure sexual energy up the spine would feel like.....kind of. I also don't need to get shot to know that a bullet hurts....lol.

So now I get why it can be dangerous. We're a really odd world sexually. If you try to raise kundalini or it raises somehow on its own, and you don't understand sex and your attitudes toward it are erroneous, it could be really painful. So much makes sense now. If you have a well developed/integrated ego, then it's pretty benign. Thank God I failed in raising it so many times before, would've been a nightmare for a 16 year old male brain! I know people are interested in this, and thought I would post about it because I see so many bad experiences. I have a glimmer of understanding as to why it is so painful when you really begin moving full throttle towards spirit, but by then you know what you're doing. One just has to be wise enough to know how much they can handle. That, or have someone up there who really likes you. And we all do hehe....

As a sidenote, while I am sure it happens sometimes that people spontaneously awaken kundalini, I'm perplexed as to how it happens. If anyone seems to understand this or this has happened to them, I'm really interested as to how. I can't wrap my brain around it.