As it happens, I have some experience with this. I recommend you do some reading on that which is known as "The Law of Attraction". If you believe you are cursed, you will be.

I had a pretty dramatic life, replete with "bad luck" of all kinds: broken relationships, health issues of all sorts, tragedies of various kinds, all kinds of loss, and a tremendous amount of just plain failure.

I believed I would fail. I believed all my relationships would go bad eventually. I believed I deserved or at least was "meant to be" in pain. I believed a lot of really incorrect things. In a nutshell, I believed I was not only cursed, but that I was the curse, itself. I believed that everyone's life that I touched would eventually rue having met me, because I would make them unhappy, bring tragedy upon them, etc.

Pretty dramatic, I know, but this was a very deep belief, and it was formed when I was very young, and until recently, it was never brought into the Light or examined in any way, so it stayed, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy and attracting all those things I believed were true.

We do create our own reality. I'm certain of that now.

Anyway, that's my take on the subject. Blessings to you, and I send the sincere hope that you find the way to break out of the cycles you're in.