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Thread: Kundalini.

  1. #1
    CentralCity Guest


    I seem to have been relentlessly researching esoteric subjects since I joined the local library at nine years of age. Has anyone bought the entire writings of Carl Gustav Jung in their teens? I read one book after the other and eventually came to the realisation, though I'd stopped reading his writings many years before, , that his entire oeuvre was, in the words of Auberon Waugh, 'a vast quaking swamp'. What can you expect from a man who was financially supported through his life by rich bored women with too much time on their hands?

  2. #2
    CentralCity Guest

    Re: Kundalini.

    Sorry, I got a little off track there. I had just read Robert's article on raising Kundalini, then got sidetracked thoughtwise. As far as Kundalini is involved, the traditional image of this energy is of a serpent, coiled around the coccyx area, ready to be woken up, to rise up throuh the spinal column and illuminate the brain with untold and untellable perceptual riches. In other information, it is a strangulating energy , if awoken, contributing illusory impressions and subverting the true nature of the spiritual being which is what we are in the final instance, and is something that should be destroyed. What is the correct interpretation?

  3. #3
    CentralCity Guest

    Re: Kundalini.

    I don't know if anyone else has these impressions. When I wake up, I have total recall of all the experiences I have been through in the dream state and it is quite extraordinary. People, places, interesting situations, sometimes very personally emotionally impacting people and places. I write it down. Time is too short. There are other things I'd like to explore. We all have to make a living, or there's no bread on the table.

  4. #4
    CentralCity Guest

    Re: Kundalini.

    On the topic of Central City, sometimes you see in dreams across a grassy plain, a something under a blue sky. The all encompassing impression is of everness.

  5. #5
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    Re: Kundalini.

    You have been making a good deal of posts in a short time that seem like an overspilling inner monologue. Are you alright?

    Take good care,

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Kundalini.

    To begin with, if no one has responded after you it is preferable to hit "edit" on your last post and keep going at the end of it rather than "reply".

    Is this the same Carl Jung I think it is or is that why you added in the middle name?

    What's wrong with having other people support your existence? It all comes down to keeping the body's needs met or you won't be around to develop anything else. Lots of guru types live off other people. It's a great job if you can get it, and having sex thrown in is even better.

    Would it be easier to draw pictures from your dreams or to just talk into a digital recorder?

    (And what do you think about learning shorthand so you can get the words on paper faster?)

    There is also a descending Kundalini to factor in.

    It seems like you view Kundalini as being hostile or misleading. I don't know where you got that impression.

  7. #7
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    Re: Kundalini.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    Is this the same Carl Jung I think it is or is that why you added in the middle name?
    In German he is always referred to as C.G. Jung or Carl Gustav Jung. No one calls him Carl Jung. Don't ask me why...


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Kundalini.

    I've moved this topic to the Kundalini forum, and will remove the shadow topic when our original poster comes back to it.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #9
    CentralCity Guest

    Re: Kundalini.

    What is the descending Kundalini factor? In life, I have found a few techniques that are genuinely beneficial, usually involving hands off attention to breath and a gentle directional influence of that attention to energy ports. The superstructure of the commanding ego, much like the superstructure of a first world war dreadnought, always tries to slide tis hands onto the tiller by craft.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Kundalini.

    Quote Originally Posted by CentralCity
    What is the descending Kundalini factor? In life, I have found a few techniques that are genuinely beneficial, usually involving hands off attention to breath and a gentle directional influence of that attention to energy ports. The superstructure of the commanding ego, much like the superstructure of a first world war dreadnought, always tries to slide tis hands onto the tiller by craft.
    Aunt Clair has posted several times about the descending Kundalini. I don't have a particular thread in mind, though. It isn't really a technique, though; it is something that she observed. It helps to cool and to bring balance to the system after the fires of the ascending Kundalini without putting out those fires. Balanced development leads to fewer side effects.

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