I couldn't find answers in Your books and online works, so I think it's good place to ask.

Firstly about healing other people. It's obvious that energy should be transfered through arms and palms but where from? From sub-navel storage center or maybe it's better to raise energy through legs and then torso, arms, palms? I've read that energy in sub-navel is someway transformed so it's hard to me to chose a method. And should I use sponging or river-like feeling?

Another question - when I'm raising energy through my legs into sub-navel (with sponging) even after 30 minutes I feel only subtle heaviness (sometimes the heaviness disappears and I don't feel nothing at all) ...but after 2 minutes (sic!) of "direct sub-navel energy raising" (without sponging, but with river-like feeling) sub-navel becomes bigger, more responsive and i feel it's really FULL, even after 2 hours. Did You met with that?
Can You explain why that method "do not cover whole energy body" - did u mean head? "Two part storage circuit" also can exclude head, but You didn't sat it's not recommended like about "direct sub-navel energy raising".
