I was laying in bed last night doing some energy work and I managed to fall asleep which is what I didn't want to do and had a very odd dream, it was like a few dreams wrapped up into one, maybe it really wasn't but that is what I kept saying to myself "here's another dream now, wow this is strange".. anyway it started off like this..

I was over my next door neighbor A's house where I used to live. He used to have a machine shop in his basement before he moved it off site because operations got too big. So he and I were downstairs in the shop talking about his work like we always used to do and he suggested going upstairs and having a beer because it was getting late and he was done with everything there. So upstairs we went, he poured us each a pint and had me follow him to the other side of the house to show me something - I forget what. So we end up kissing and I ask about the kids and he says not to worry. So we end up in bed together and the usual phenomenal sex ensues (always that way in these dreams why is that?) anyway, half way through it I close my eyes and then I open them again and it's my friend B not A!!! I have no idea at all why I'm doing this with either of them and thought to myself, 'it's only a dream, don't worry about it." The thing is both of these guys have cheated on their wives and got caught and were both in a bad situation for a long time, but both were taken back by their significant others.

After that episode the second 'dream' or part of the dream starts out with me feeling very guilty about what just happened in the previous dream.. so I suddenly find myself in this big house, it was familiar to me at the time but it was a disaster inside, stuff strewn all over, clothes everywhere. And I'm looking for a bag that is supposed to be there someplace that had my clothes in it, I'm walking around this house holding a torn shirt to my chest (apparently my clothes were trashed in the previous 'dream' lol) and as I'm walking around this house there's all these people I know I keep running into as I turn each corner, folks from work, friends, family, etc. (everyone I know had to be in this dream!!) and none of them noticed I didn't have any clothes on. So I finally find this bag of clothes of mine and put them on. I was running late meeting some friends down the road from this house so I rushed out the door.

The next thing I knew (Dream 3 maybe? lol) I'm standing in the middle of this field, it's dark outside throughout this whole dream by the way - and my husband comes walking up to me and says, "You were just going to head over there without me weren't you?" and so this debate ensues between us as we're walking over to this bar that was across the field now instead of up the road.. he asks me, "You and A were sleeping together weren't you?" "How long has this been going on".. like he could read my mind like I always read his.. guilty as hell I was and in denial of it all!! I never got the impresion that he bought any of it!

So we finally get to this bar and the place is packed (Never seen this place in real life ever, and it wasn't familiar) I sat down on a stool next to my husband and noticed that everyone there was perfectly straight like they hadn't drank a sip the entire night - that being strange.. what was stranger was the fact that the bartender was falling down drunk and pouring everyone the wrong drink and giving back wrong change out of the register. I turned and looked at my husband perplexed and asked him where the bathroom was, he pointed over to the left of the room and I woke up.. and of course I had to use the bathroom!!

Lucid dream? I think so.

Any thoughts?