I have a question about blockages and chakras.

Is it a bad idea to try and stimulate the heart chakra if you have a ton of blockages in your chest area?

I read most of Oliver's (Korpo's) post about the Dissolving Techniques. http://forums.astraldynamics.com/vie...hp?f=46&t=9353

I have actually been doing his technique for probably about 6-8 months now on different blockages all around my body.
The results are so damn slow, but very effective. So far I have dug deep enough to access about three really cool states worth experiencing. All the crap on top of that has been less than enjoyable. It seems like there is a ton more left as well.

Someone told me that my chakras are all very small, about the size of a quarter, and spinning very tightly inside my body. So I am wondering if stimulating them or opening them is a good idea to help the blockages clear up. Or would that be counter-productive, like pumping more water into a clogged up pipe and having it blow up?