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Thread: Relaxation Technique Question

  1. #1
    soulseeker Guest

    Relaxation Technique Question

    It seems that the relaxation method taught in MAP is very similar to PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation). I was wondering, though, would it be okay to use autogenics training in place of the method taught in MAP? Or, should I stick to the method taught in the book. I am very interested in Autogenics training and would like to implement it into my training (I'm still only in week one). Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Re: Relaxation Technique Question

    It seems to me, from reading the source you provided, that autogenics is mainly a system of self-hypnosis that follows a certain template. Self-suggestion leads to the desired changes, as such being similar to Robert's use of relaxation techniques, affirmations and trancing.

    From my point of view it looks like the autogenics training tries to induce a trance through relaxation and suggestion to make further suggestions more powerful. If you stick with MAP, similar things should come along when training.

    From my personal experience I'd say: Mix it. There's no harm. I used Monroe Hemi-Sync tapes for learning trancing instead of Robert's trancing techniques, and I'd say it worked. I think the building blocks can be replaced, that's one of the great features of modularity.

    If you are not already proficient in autogenics, I'd say stick to the progressive muscle relaxation in MAP until you can replace it with autogenics.

    Good success,

    PS - Usually you are not allowed to post links below a post count of 20. Please adhere to this in the future or ask a mod or admin before posting a link.

  3. #3
    soulseeker Guest

    Re: Relaxation Technique Question

    Thanks for the reply. Sorry about the link, I will keep the guideline in mind in the future. Thanks again.

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