Hi soulseeker. The way the BWGen works is by listening to two different sounds and letting your brain create a third tone that you entrain to. It is the same as listening to music and entraining (that is, matching the beat to) the sounds as you listen. The only effect it can have on your brain is that it will take you to the specific frequencies for deep relaxation, and nothing more, unless you are epileptic. If you are epileptic there are some frequencies you shouldn't be exposed to, by hearing or even visually (as in no strobes, for example.)
So even if you have a defective computer or sound card that doesn't separate the tones properly, the worst thing that can happen is that it doesn't work at all, and doesn't relax you.
But listening to sound, which is what our ears are made for, will cause no permanent change at all.
The change is in your awareness- if it works and you get to that level of relaxation without falling asleep, you learn how it feels to be that relaxed while not asleep, and you can then reach the same without the sound help.
But there is nothing in these tones that can do anything, since there are no subliminals or hypnotic suggestions in the presets themselves.
I am not a complete believer of OBE nor am I a skeptic
That is the best attitude- believe only in what you experience.
Cheers, CF.