Why is it that on some days, I wake up feeling certain states of emotion. One time I woke up feeling fully refreshed. Its the feeling you get after you just had sex. Another time, I woke up and I just felt a combined emotion of anger and sadness.

I know the emotion is there but I do not know WHY it happened. I know that I dreamt of something but I FORGOT the dream.

In another instance, I was in the back of the church and I decided to meditate instead of doing the normal ritualized stuff.

I was able to slip into a deep meditative state then I was having a conversation with someone or something. It was a pleasant conversation. When I slipped back into normal consciousness, I totally forgot what the conversation was about.

Then when I looked at the crucifix in the church, I felt pressure in the forehead between my eyes. And I felt a feeling of tranquility and peace. For about a minute it lasted before everything went back to normal.


Can anybody explain this to me? Is it my imagination or did my astral body do something?

Because I notice that if I meditate before going to sleep, there is a 90% chance that I will dream about something.