Well Hi people, I hope everyone is ok here, I am absent because I have lots of work in my spanish forum (well is not mine but I have a section there jejeje) Anyway, on last thurdsday I was doing ok as always at night before sleep opening all my chakras in order and when I arrived to te seventh cakra of the crown, I had the need to say "8 chakra open" but I stopped, I thought I was crazy so I asked my guides about this, they told me that they talked to me about this chakra not long ago while I slept so this information sliced into my normal knowledge when time was right. Apparently I have it and I can open it, I did not wanted to talk about this but when I red another interesting post I saw that people where talking already about THAT chakra and is EXACTLY located IN THE SAME PLACE where I feel it. The guides explained that the energy received by that chakra is DIRECTLY given by GOD itself, as I can see God I ask Him and He confirmed it, when I opened my 8 chakra for two nights I was able to feel high vibrational energy moving into my crown chakra and I felt lots of energy as never before, it was incredible. The guides also explained me that all human are going to have this 8 chakra soon. I red of a 9th cakra so I will try to open it but I dont think that is true, my guides only talk of an 8 chakra.
Thanks a lot in advance if you have more information, the master of a friend also mentioned the 8 chakra only so is true (I dont know of a 9th cakra as I said before)

Kisses and please bring me light to this ignorant person jejeje.