I'm new to this group and this is my first post, so bear with me...

Tue - Jun 10, 2008

OK, last night my wife went out to pick up our son so that would give me about an hour alone in the house -- this almost never happens!

I sat up in bed and did some relaxation and then some energy cycles.

I relaxed REALLY DEEP.

I tried to get out but nothing.

I saw some blobs of colors flowing (or bubbling) in my field of vision and then I saw like this black lady who then "jumped at me" as if to scare me... weird. (She looked like an Australian Aborigine ). I did get startled but continued on right after that... no exit though...

Wife got back home and I was rudely interrupted.


Like Robert Bruce says, sitting up was much better because I never fell sleep.

Also, I had the light on and that was distracting so I will keep them lo or off next time.

Then after going to bed I did more relaxation and energy work but got nothing and fell asleep.

I woke up about three times during the night and tried to relax and do energy cycles but just fell asleep.

I tried several exit techniques from Willing myself out to pulling the rope, to just trying to "see" parts of the room... got nothin'!

Now the cool thing is that I woke up in the morning (at the sound of my alarm clock buzzing) but then I lay there for a bit and this when I had the breakthrough.

I just relaxed, no energy work... and all of a sudden I felt low vibrations around my face. It was like a slow throbbing "tunnel" around my face and /or head.

I just gave into the "vibrations" and then I clearly saw what looked like a round "break in the clouds" and the distinct view of a wall or ceiling -- (I "felt" it was the white ceiling above me).

It seemed about six to eight inches in diameter and I saw a VERY close-up view of the white texture of the ceiling paint.

It lasted only for about a few seconds and was gone. -- but it was great!!!

I had this same type of OBE that time many years ago while meditating, but that one was longer.


I think the trick is to give into the vibrations and not to try to create them.

I had the distinct idea that I should not be trying to create the vibrations since they are just a by-product of the actual "exit" or OBE.

I think I have to perfect the exit technique and know that the vibrations are just a side note to it -- Robert Bruce says you may or may not get the vibrations anyway...

I will keep doing the energy work and relaxation and see what happens...

I think I'm on my way now..?

Also, the visual I got of the roof was different than seeing with the eyes... I cannot put it in words but I Know it was different.

It "felt" very different than what you see with your eyes closed, or even open.

I have to remember the feeling because it was "different."

Any tips anyone can give me?
