I've been doing an excercise for a while where I open my heart chakra and ask the universe to send good energy into it. At first, it actually physically hurt in my chest to open my heart chakra. (I was like, I knew there was a lot of frozen pain in there, but wow, lol.) Eventually it got to the point where it didn't hurt anymore, it felt good, like warm golden light was pouring in and spreading throughout all of me. I even tried sending some healing energy from my heart to other people (with their permission,) and it worked really good for a first try; they actually felt it as I sent it.

I've also been doing an excercise that utilizes energy from the subnavel storage center, and, for the past year, I've worked diligently on openning up my secondary system (hands/feet/arms/legs stimulation for 20 mins a day.) I haven't worked much with the primary circuit except my heart and taking energy from the subnavel storage center.

Last night, as I was driving, I felt an intense wave of anxiety/anger come over me. I almost had to pull over but I was okay and got home. It passed in a couple hours.

I have two theories as to why this happened - a) a deeper level of healing is occuring in my heart, that isn't so gross/physical as the physical pain I was feeling earlier, or b) I'm "top-heavy" chakra-wise from working so much on my heart and so little on the chakras below it.

I'm leaning towards the 2nd theory, or a combination of the two. I have this image of me walking around with an oversized heart, and all the chakras below it, meant to serve as its support, are straining under its "weight" if that makes sense.

I was wondering - how do I tell if this is indeed the case, and if so, how do I remedy it? Do I just draw energy into my lower chakras and sub-navel storage center, and how do I open a storage center to let universe energy in - does it open in the same way I openned my heart? I've ordered another copy of "Energy Work" today, cause my friend has my other one lol, so hopefully that will help, but until it gets here, I'd like to start remedying the situation. Thanks for any help! =)