My dream experiences last night were not quite lucid, but they were more than dreams. Sort of like reliving experiences or living experiences in another place/time.
One of these involved a cave made of salt. It was ancient and the salt had grown all over the walls, feet of the stuff hanging out, making the place look like the inside of a freezer. It wasn’t too large and in the shape of an ‘L’. Two people were with me, and they seemed to be giving people tours of the cave - talking about the ace ages.
An earlier dream had also taken place in caves. A male in his mid-20’s had died in a mine/cave complex and I had contact with him. I was waiting for one of his old friends to arrive to take them into the cave (at 7-7:30 pm) to produce some form of closure.
Other dreams were to do with combat and war situations.

I thought the salt cave was interesting especially as there is much talk of salt being used against negs here.