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Thread: Karen659 - OOB experiences

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  1. #1
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    Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    Hello, Karen.

    Maybe you connect recording with your actual voice or verbal communication in your mind. Recording an image might work better out of the OOB state. When you remember the image you can decode from there the experience again.


  2. Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    Hello, Karen.

    Maybe you connect recording with your actual voice or verbal communication in your mind. Recording an image might work better out of the OOB state. When you remember the image you can decode from there the experience again.

    Great idea Oliver! Next time, instead of pulling out the recorder, I will affirm an 'image recording' of my experiences...and then see what I can pull through the physical mind's filter to be retained!! Instead of verbal, which is only here in physical, I would use 'image' recording...interesting...will see what happens next time! Thanks!

  3. #3
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    Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    Quite a lot of positives again, Karen. I know you post in several places and I've no doubt that journals like yours help numerous people develop their own adventures.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  4. Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper View Post
    Quite a lot of positives again, Karen. I know you post in several places and I've no doubt that journals like yours help numerous people develop their own adventures.
    Yes, I DO post in many it's important to me that as many people read and understand that what I do is nothing they can't do too!! Thanks so much for the post....

    Now, I have to figure out why I'm not getting notifications of these replies!! As far as I can see, it's set for email notifications of this thread, but I am not getting them! I just happened to remember to check here...and am glad I did!!

  5. Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    2011_08_06 153) Helping a Fearful Child

    This is just a short experience I had early this am after waking and moving to my ‘traveling couch’. I thought I’d still try for the use of the MP3’s to help my ‘becoming aware’, but this time it wasn’t needed! I did use Jurgen Ziewe’s chanting sounds to relax but that was all.

    I found myself ‘awake’ lying on the couch, and being aware of a sense of FEAR! Not so much for ME being fearful, but fear that was associated with someone quite close to my body as it lay on the couch!

    I didn’t really see this person at first, just felt the fear energies emanating from it, which of course, to be honest, made me just a little bit concerned. My fear dissipated immediately when realized this was a very small child standing next to me! (He couldn’t have been more than 2 years old, likely less…)

    I was at first caught offguard, wondering ‘Now what do I do?!?’ and then I sensed an adult presence also nearby at the bottom of the couch area. This was a female, clearly seen, short sandy-colored hair and small glasses and petite frame. I somehow knew she was waiting for this child to know she was there.

    I’m not sure how I did it, but turning to face the child I sent love and even tried to hug him with my energies. He calmed immediately and I told him, “look who’s here!” as I picked him up and handed him to this woman. I have no idea how I knew what to do, or if I was doing the right thing, I just did what felt to be right.

    The woman smiled, the child’s energies calmed and changed, and then they both disappeared!

    This all happened so quick and I can remember thinking I have to get this recorded!! I distinctly remember taking out the recorder and recording it….BUT.. I found out later that I STILL wasn’t awake when I did that because the recorder was sitting untouched next to me when I fully awoke!

    Thankfully, this ‘close to physical’ experience was easy to recall, even if short. I do get a feeling of being some help, and am happy to know this fearful child is safe and happy once again!
    Facebook: Karen SixFiveNine

  6. #6
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    Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    A fabulous experience, Karen.

    Reading your blog this morning had me contemplating a number of things I've recently read on projection. Sometimes people get frustrated with their progress but maybe periods of limitation are not just for the well being of the projector but also for the welfare of deceased people, especially the children. Imagine if your little one had been drawn to somebody who, in their fear, saw the child as a negative entity and took action accordingly. Such things surely cannot be allowed to occur!
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    Quote Originally Posted by Beekeeper View Post
    A fabulous experience, Karen.

    Reading your blog this morning had me contemplating a number of things I've recently read on projection. Sometimes people get frustrated with their progress but maybe periods of limitation are not just for the well being of the projector but also for the welfare of deceased people, especially the children. Imagine if your little one had been drawn to somebody who, in their fear, saw the child as a negative entity and took action accordingly. Such things surely cannot be allowed to occur!
    Oh Bee! What a great observation! Yes, this is SO true, and why one MUST remember that everything always happens for a reason!! Perhaps you feel you are not 'moving on' or 'learning' but somehow there is always some learning you are doing....

    Wanting to 'go far and fast' is just NOT the astral way! Yes, there are times I wish I could have more 'higher level' experiences, but then something like this one happens and I just LOVE to know I could help!!

    I'll be honest...the first indication that something 'fearful' or 'negative' was near me WAS a bit disconcerting...but I have learned to just 'let go' and let things happen KNOWING I cannot be harmed at all!! I'm never disappointed in my findings then as something to learn or do always happens! Even when it IS 'true negativity', you are presented that for a learn how to deal with it to the BENEFIT of both of you,'s NOT always something to fear and dismiss!!

    Thanks so much for the very insightful observation....and may many others learn from it as well!

  8. Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    2011_09_07 154)Awareness now; Vacation travel with Motor Home

    It’s been nearly a month since my last blog post, and likely the longest it’s ever been between posts. It’s not that there has not been out of body activity, but the experiences have either been too personal or too brief to share. Even this short experience below isn’t much, but at least by posting it others may have some insight into its meaning or symbology that I cannot figure out.

    For a little background, the last few weeks have been more stressful than usual with family issues and concerns as well as cleaning up from hurricane Irene that passed through our area leaving behind much damage. This entire past month seems to be a ‘cleaning up’ of energies around me, culminating with the hurricane that gave me no choice but to relinquish many items from my past and start anew.

    This change in direction fits with my life as I look over the past few years as well. There has been many, many changes in my life that I would never have expected back then. Changes in career direction, family dynamics, and even a new desire to meet more of my OOBE friends has opened new doors and opportunities that could not have manifested had I not had the courage to undergo these changes. I’m thankful for all the learning and experiences I have had out of body, as I feel this has been a major reason why my life is moving in this great new direction.

    As for the experience this morning, I will start by saying I am currently on my ‘road trip’ to Cape Cod and Maine to fulfill one of my desire to meet some of my online OOB friends. In my room this morning, I had the luxury of sleeping in (a rare treat!) and found myself lifting gently above my body.

    Excited to know I was ready to move, I rolled out and stood in my room. It was hazy and unclear, but I was happy to see that I was able to remember my intention to use “Awareness Now!” as my affirmation once out of body.

    Upon affirming “Awareness now!”, my vision cleared and I could see the details of my room. Wanting to really ‘clear up’ my thinking and enhance my recall for this experience, I again affirmed “Awareness now”. (I had listened to William Buhlman’s tapes on my long ride to Cape Cod, and was impressed with his use of this affirmation to bring more of your own ‘consciousness’ into the energy body where it was now located to enhance clarity and recall and wanted to use this in my next experience).

    This worked perfectly and I knew I wanted to move out and see if I could meet up with the person I hoped to see. I headed for the door and upon exiting was SO surprised to see the change in environment! I was no longer in ‘physical’ surroundings but now hanging outside of a large mobile home that was being driven down a highway!!

    I was concerned at first because I thought I hadn’t had the time to dress properly being outside, and looked back into my motel room, which I could still see clearly and perfectly and knew that at least I had my clothes with me available in that room. (I was aware I was traveling and not at home and somehow worried that I didn’t have them with me if I was leaving on this bus-like motor home.)

    Now, clinging to the outside of the motor home once I left my room, I’m enjoying myself tremendously, feeling the breeze as it moves down the road, and even watching a car come at me and swinging myself in front of it just to show how ‘daring’ and unfearful I could be while OOB!

    I moved up to the front to see who was driving, wanting to speak with him, and found him talking on his cell phone in heated discussion about some sort of personal issue and his inability to pay some bills. It really didn’t make much sense to me and I wondered what this all meant if someone else is driving my ‘home’.

    I felt confused, maybe due to the new surroundings, maybe due to the analyzing of my situation, and quickly found myself back in body waking in my bed.

    This was a short rather uneventful OBE, yet one that I clearly remember as being vivid and in full clear vision and control. I’m hoping maybe someone can maybe offer some insight into what this may mean, if anything, as I feel it has some symbolic meaning in view of the many changes I’ve experienced.
    Facebook: Karen Sixfivenine

  9. #9
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    Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    I wonder if being in the motel room meant you were psychically picking up on other people who were either in nearby rooms or had recently inhabited yours.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  10. Re: Karen659 - OOB experiences

    Hey, good point Bee!! I didn't think of that!! It makes the one time I projected from my daughter's bed, it was all about her...and now, at a motel with lots of travelers coming in and out, I could have 'sensed' that connection and had it incorporated!! Amazing how your minds works!

    Very good! and thanks! -K

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