This weekend I was practicing New energy ways CD 4 - Energy work .

I lost consciousness at the end of the CD . I woke up at the foot of my bed a little to the left . I checked out my surroundings . The way I perceived the room was as if I had just woken up . It was blurry yet I could make out everthing in the room .

I decided to turn around to see my body . I could not fully turn around . I could see part of the bed , but my astral body would not turn around any further . Strange thing is the corner of the bed was a normal coulour , but it began getting darker as it got nearer to my physical body .

I turned forward again . I had to fight to stay conscious . I tried to raise energy in my astral body to keep my lucidity . I don't know if that was a good idea or not . (At that point I felt very excited I actually felt butterflies in my astral stomach , because I was conscious and projecting - felt like I could pinch myself . ) Then I moved forward away from my body through the door and into the hallway.

I lost consciousness and woke up . This just proves to me that energy is the key to a lucid projection . Previous projections ended up with me on the floor unable to move .

Strange thing about projections is that many times you lose consciousness and then project or fall asleep and later project and you hardly project while you are trying to project.

I started using Hemi Sync in the middle of July . I just wondered why I could not turn around to see my body?