
The other thread is very interesting to me regarding kundalini,mainly because the fact is that we don't need kundalini activation in order to have OBE. I thought they at least go hand in hand, or maybe OBE is a harder experience to come by, according to my own experiences, or maybe I just didn't realize I have had more OBE than I knew.

Two three years ago I went through a personal crisis and was forced to sit and meditate by a power or a void from within. From there, I experienced very intense change physically and emotionally. During the hour long meditation every night or morning, I went through different things which I have never known those would be what meditation would be like. Weeping, body shaking or swaying by itself, stabbing pain in parts of the body, energy flow dancing in front of my closed eyes, breathing slowing down to almost as if I don't need it, legs not getting numb, everything coming to a still in me. My eyelids would not move a bit (usually when we close our eyes, our eyelids would still be jumpy) like something is pulled it shut so tightly. It feels like I finally found my center and was clicked with myself. It was filled with this immensee stillness, and then came the realization of self love and God's love. I realized how badly I have treated myself, and that how could I do these bad things to myself which is a disgrace to God's will.

During that period of two years, I had symptoms of kundalini activation, liquid flowing kind of sensation in my spine and my scalp, feeling like to hold up my hands with the gestures that Buddha do in the temples, third eye and crown were full of pressure all day long, joy and awe were with me all day long, everything is so full of joy and glory. When I wrote my journal, I was like " I must be God. This must be how God feels. There is no way anything else can top this." My thought was also very clearly and quick. Sometimes many thoughts and feelings were just beyond words. I wrote in my journal " You can't understand it. You can only experience it."

I also had a lot of dreams where someone is always there to answer my questions. There were alot of recurrent dreams, with symbolic meanings. I would glide through the sky and the valley with will. The places were heavenly and the sky were after rain beautiful and refresh. Every night was a healing journey.

The OBEs I had were accompanied with strong current flowed though my body. It was so strong that I had to hold on to my bed in order not to be carried away. But the next morning, my body would feel so soft, and so soothing like I have never felt, for three four days. ( Does anyone experience this type of soothing comfort? It was like I was reborn!!) At that time, I was very alone since there was no one for me to talk to about this. When I try to find answers from the internet, all I know to type in is meditation, but didn't found any answers. I didn't even know about the term 'OBE." I was reading in the bookstore and found William Bhulman's book and then I knew that;s what happened to me.

So I thought it is interesting that I had kundalini happened to me while having OBE, which I thought is harder to come by.