Just be sure you are able to differentiate between physical sensations and energy sensations.

I'd advise against forcing anything pertaining to energy work. Some energy structures take time to develop, more so than others. Forcing past critical development stages for the sake of "moving on" will only leave you with weak energy structures in the end. The time required varies from individual to individual. It takes as long as it takes. If you find yourself with stubborn blockages, seemingly inactive energy centers or anything else, continue working these areas without strain. Work on them up until a little before you start to sense the onset of straining yourself or until you feel that you have worked on them to their fullest potential then move on to the next area. Repeat the next day/session. Eventually blockages will clear up, channels will become energized, tensions will be released, and you will gradually start to feel your body in a new light. Your energy body will develop at a pace specific to your own body's needs without the addition of added stress.