This is all under the assumption there's no immediate medical explanation for this, which I cannot possibly exclude because I am no medical practitioner. The following is just from personal experience.

Well, the clearing of energetic blockages and the unblocking of channels can produce spasms and involuntary movement in the body. Sudden surges in energy levels can do that or intense energy work. During early NEW sessions in trance for projecting my leg used to jolt off the bed into the air... today I am well aware this is one of the "trouble spots" in my body with the most blocks.

I had the cold bouts, too, though I am perfectly sure mine were induced by energy work. A year ago I used to work the downward current from crown to below my feet consciously. This has a cooling, soothing effect. At one point it started to happen on its own, continuously, and wouldn't stop. I was freezing the whole day, like standing in cold wind on a day with none. It was a weird sensation to say the least.

About the tiredness - on days when intense clearing goes on this can be very tiring. There is a point where the body needs to use more and more of its resources to deal with the detoxifying that comes with clearing blocks, and also the washed out toxins I could imagine having an effect on tiredness. Sometimes after energy work I could feel like having the flu or really tired just from working with energy.

If all of these things are accompanied with the feeling of becoming more spiritually aware as you report, there's a good chance that energetic clearing is happening in your body. Please see also this thread: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9980

Take good care,